Issue 6 – December 2009


Enikő Albert-Lőrincz



Gábor Flaskay: Transference – counter-transference: beyond transference

Questions of practice

Andrea Luthardt: The individual in the group — the group in the individual

Combining the group centred and protagonist centred approaches of psychodrama from an analytic point of view

Theoretical study

László Tringer: The relationship between psychotherapy and philosophy from a cognitive view point. The philosophical counselling

Theoretical study

András Láng: Attachment as nonspecific factor in psychotherapy



Éva Urbán, Zoltán Kelényi: Emerging problems of statistical grouping and occupational codes in psychological practices and in healthcare occupational code registers


On training and practice: Questioning presidents and training committee heads of psychotherapy associations


On school psychology — Csaba Horgász

News and reports

Conferences Aranka Tiringer ¨ Péter Sinkovics ¨ Ágnes Hódi ¨ Georgina Mucsi – Szilvia Zs. Ungi

Preliminary to the Conference of Psychotherapy journal

About Psychotherapy journal István Bitter

Book reviewsEnikő Albert-Lőrincz ¨ Pálma Virág Fehér ¨ Anna Fekete ¨ Marianna Szűcs ¨ István Tiringer

Lists of professional books — Animula ¨ Lélekben Otthon¨ Medicina ¨ Ursus libris

Professional programs

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