The author attempts to summarise how the most influential psychoanalytic theoretical models treat the well known concepts of transference and counter-transference and which aspects of the therapeutic relationship are emphasized in those models. He emphases that important new findings were added to the Freudian concept of transference. The differentiation between erotic and eroticised transference and the recognition of attachment and narcissistic needs in the transference the identification of multiple sources of countertransference modified the work with transference. He outlines some concepts of transference and the process in which some kind of attunement is taking place in the confronting views between the emphasis of working with transference and getting experience from the therapeutic relationship. He believes that the view of transference as a special focus of analysis has been surpassed. So the new object relation theory, the intersubjective approaches, the psychoanalytic field theory, and the mentalization focus stress the mechanism of reflectivity as a basic means for psychic change. Case vignettes serve as illustrations.
Key words: transference-counter-transference — technical neutrality — intersubjectivity — analytic third, mentalization
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