Issue 1 – February 2009

Gábor Szőnyi


Árpád Süle: Process diagnosis in psychotherapy from a person-centred and experiential point of view Part 2. The level of microprocesses
Methodological study
Márta Csabai, Ilona Csörsz, Katalin Szili: Changes of therapeutic attitudes and experiences in professional socialization. An integrative group training method for the development of therapeutic relational skills
Questions of practice
Amaryl Árkovits: Specific characteristics of dream work in DREAM therapy
Anna Fekete: Integrative Music Psychotherapy I.
Methodological study
Erika Pap, Erzsébet Katalin Komáromi, Ilona Herczeg: The six part story method in the context and use of complex art therapy


Debate on „family constellation”László Bokor, Károly Ludvigh, Mária Tornyossy
ConferencesMelinda Kovai, Szilvia Ungi
Letter to the reader – the Editors
Book reviewsBéla Buda, József Csürke, József Krékits, Dániel Molnár, Erika Szautner, Edit Virág
Professional programs

Árpád Süle: Process diagnosis in psychotherapy from a person-centred and experiential point of view Part 2. The level of the microprocesses

In the former paper I dealt with the process conception of the personality as it appears in its four part-processes: the self-process, the interactional process, the experiential process and the existential process. Besides I demonstrated the macro level of the process diagnosis which evaluates these four part-processes in the life of the client. In this paper I explain the micro level approach of the process diagnosis which reveals the momentary process of the client as it develops in the therapeutic relationship. As the process of the client in therapy is fundamentally influenced by the therapeutic relationship, the process diagnosis on micro level reveals the impact of the therapeutic relationship, too. I illustrate the micro level process diagnosis in the self-, the interactional and the existential processes. The concept of the process diagnosis is most elaborated in the experiential process, therefore, I treat this in more detail.

Key words: person-centered and experiential psychotherapy – process diagnosis – integrative – micro- and macrolevel

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