Issue 4 – November 2021


a professional journal of practice based on psychotherapeutic methods
A quarterly publication 30th year, issue 4. November 2021



Mária Barna, Tibor Cece Kiss, Krisztina Pál


Invited paper

Júlia Hardy: Looking for words. Plain speech about psychotherapy with no frills

Invited paper

Veronika Kökény: „Who wrote this?” Subjective – Personal – Study


János Füredi, János Harmatta: Who is a psychotherapist?

Methodological study

Zsuzsanna Szűcs-Ittzés: Music therapy by hospital beds with elderly psychiatric patients living with dementia


Workshop study

Róbert Oravecz: Slovenia and psychotherapy – a personal experience

Workshop study

Sarolta Ónody, Gábor Pintér, Teodóra Tomcsányi: Monodrama counselling training and criteria for writing a case study. Information on the Training Program and an Aid for Counsellors

Workshop report

Henrietta Benkő, Márta Takácsy: Training: competence or rank? Report on the conference of the journal Psychotherapy



Mária Barna, Márta Takácsy: Birthday interview with Lajos Simon

Discussions, comments

Debate on taking notes during therapy or consultation – Gabriella Salz

Ethical questions in therapeutic practice 35th Tamás BagotaiErika Kovács Melinda Kovai

RetroSelection of the previous issues of PszichoterápiaExcerpt from Hugh Jenkins’s study “Family Therapy”: Family Therapy Training in Hungary


In memoriam Gyula Bódog – Erzsébet Juhász

In memoriam István Kappéter – Gábor Szőnyi

Awards – Zsuzsa Lőrincz


Conferences – Andrea Gyimesi-Szikszai ♦ Tibor Cece Kiss, István Tiringer ♦ Gábor Szőnyi ♦ Gabriella Novotny

Book reviews – Bálint Érlaki ♦ Katalin Futó ♦ István Tiringer István Tiringer

List of professional books and periodicals

Professional programs

Editorial announcements


Invited paper

Júlia Hardy

Looking for words. Plain speech about psychotherapy with no frills

As a psychiatrist, one can hardly orientate oneself in the wide variety of psychotherapeutic methods. Professional, individual, institutional and broader social influences form this path. Stability, calculability, transparency and social consensus are needed for the development of our profession. Looking back at the different periods of psychotherapy through my own professional development the workshops – gathered around important figures of the profession – can be seen as the start of psychotherapy training as well as the impact of the international experiences, which also influenced my choice of methods. The development of the Hungarian family therapy was greatly influenced by the members of the HÍD Association who were trained in Vienna. This connection secured international embeddedness to Hungarian family therapy into the international scene. I could learn the concept of psychodrama in an internationally rooted training – our trainer became a model figure for us. My relation to social dilemmas is greatly defined by this approach.

Regarding the present, the difficulties of private praxis and public provision and also the life of psychotherapy associations are mentioned in the study. Today’s practice: the experience-oriented training of family therapists characterized by a deeper theoretical knowledge is the result of all the impacts I mention in the study. Looking at the future, I am convinced that the worldwide existing training institutes and psychotherapy licenses are key concepts to ensure stability and quality for our profession.

Keywords: workshops – psychotherapy training – master trainees – psychotherapy licenses

Invited paper

Veronika Kökény

Who wrote this?” Subjective – Personal – Study

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Pszichoterápia journal, the author takes a short glimpse of the past three decades and the antecedents of the development of psychotherapy. The overview is subjective in the selection of events mentioned and personal in the matters and points highlighted. The content of the study is grouped around three themes: first, the various ways of attributing oneself to a generation are discussed. Secondly, the pivotal, multigenerational and still living influence of the Faludi Street Outpatient’s Clinic for Child Psychotherapy is presented, through its power on the identity formation of the author as a psychotherapist. Thirdly, the paradigm-shifting effect of psychodrama and „action” in psychotherapy is discussed through the personal lenses of the author’s formative development into a psychodrama psychotherapist. According to the author’s intention, the title and closing words of the study – „Who wrote this? The many of us did.” – serve to not only celebrate the journal’s existence but also as a personal statement about her relation to the history of the psychotherapeutic profession.

Keywords: history of the profession – psychotherapist generations– Faludi Street Outpatient’s Clinic – psychodrama – action – paradigm shift


János Füredi, János Harmatta

Who is a psychotherapist?

The internationally developed standards of psychotherapeutic training systems are reviewed in this paper. The authors report the most major steps of the Hungarian development and introduce the foundation of the psychotherapist speciality grade. They describe the procedure of judging the applicants for the grade. The necessary preconditions (specialisation in any field of medicine or clinical psychology, five years experience, offered training possibilities) are discussed.

Keywords: psychotherapy/training – specialisation

Original publication:  Füredi J., Harmatta J. (1986): Psychiatria Hungarica, Achilles-sarok rovat. 1:51-59. (a szerk.)

Methodological study

Zsuzsanna Szűcs-Ittzés

Music therapy by hospital beds with elderly psychiatric patients living with dementia

This article presents the music therapy work at a hospital conducted with elderly patients affected by dementia. With this patient group, possibilities of verbal therapy are limited, however, through recalling well-known Hungarian folk songs – combined with musical language familiar from childhood, and occasionally, certain forms of instrumental activity – physical experiences of music-making are amplified and complex neural pathways are activated in connection with emotional experiences. Besides the presentation of the effective therapeutic factors, a further purpose of this article is to bring forward the idea that any kind of musical manifestation, including the musical experiences in music therapy, constitutes a part of the overall world of music and culture. However simple sometimes they may seem to be, the musical elements that come up in practice, and the processes themselves, are closely tied to some courses in the universal history of music, many times to its peak performances. During the therapeutic work, the therapist should be aware of the whole spectrum of the connecting elements of the emerging musical phenomena and should examine them in this context. Using common cultural heritage enables elderly, mentally impaired patients to foster and restore a feeling of membership in the community.

Keywords: music therapy – dementia – vitality affects – speech song – folk song

Workshop study

Róbert Oravecz

Slovenia and psychotherapy – a personal experience

This report was inspired by a request from the editorial board of the journal Psychotherapy. It reviews the development of psychotherapy training and treatment in Slovenia over the past thirty years through personal recollection. The author Róbert Oravecz: a psychiatrist and psychotherapist, who has been living in Slovenia for 33 years, so he summarizes the process, difficulties and main stages of psychiatric care and psychotherapeutic work in the neighbouring country through the presentation of his personal experiences. In his writing, the author presents Slovenian social, historical and psychotherapeutic milestones in his memory through personal experiences, intertwining them with his own professional development and life path.

The article covers Slovenian history, the development of mental health, psychiatric and psychotherapeutic care, addiction centres, psychotherapeutic training, psychotraumatology and the intertwining of trauma and suicide.

Keywords: psychotherapy – Slovenia – training – psychotraumatology – addictology

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