Issue 2 – May 2021


a professional journal of practice based on psychotherapeutic methods
A quarterly publication 30th year, issue 2. May 2021



Márta Takácsy, László Bokor, Henrietta Benkő


Invited paper

Hajna Endresz: Subjective images, experiences about the past and the future of psychotherapy


Gábor Szőnyi: ‘Offline therapy’

Ágnes Devecsery: Comment for the essay ’Offline therapy’ of Gábor Szőnyi

Éva Rapcsányi: Comment for the essay ’Offline therapy’ of Gábor Szőnyi

Annamária Tari: Comment for the essay of Gábor Szőnyi

Gabriella Vizin: Reflections for the essay of Gábor Szőnyi

Gábor Szőnyi: Answer to the comments

Case study

András Spányik, Györgyi Kovács, Csilla Csáki: Rethinking the aspects of the doctor-patient relationship with the help of a Balint group, and the intersubjective analysis of the relationship based on a case report


Workshop study

Dániel Ványi: Life-centered therapy. A teaser from the works of Manu Bazzano

Workshop report

Zsuzsanna Ládonyi, Bernadett Asztalos, Erzsébet Donkó, Mária Bucholczné Szombathy: Dialogue about personal therapy and skills development during the education of social worker professionals. A three – session – professional forum with the representatives of trainers, trainees and working professionals.



Interview with Bernadette PéleyNoémi Berger, Mária Barna

Mocking glass

From a patient’s diary (unknown author)

Discussions, comments

Debate on taking notes during therapy or consultationAnna Schmelowszky-Forgách, Márk Bérdi, Zsófia Csáky-Pallavicini

Debate about the future of psychotherapy – Gábor Szőnyi

Ethical questions in therapeutic practice 34thAndrea KövesdiErzsébet Wiesner Gréta Keresztesi

Retro column – Selection of the previous issues of Pszichoterápia


In memoriam Kata Lénárd –Ildikó Ábrahám, Amaryl Árkovits, Krisztina Dorn


Conferences –Andrea MajorosHenrietta Benkő, István Tiringer Mária Barna Katalin Görbe

Book reviews –Gábor SzőnyiIstván Tiringer

List of professional books and periodicals

Professional programs

Editorial announcements

Invited paper

Subjective images, experiences about the past and the future of psychotherapy

Hajna Endresz

Pictures, impressions and feelings are presented in this paper together with thoughts, which were borne out of those, related to the past, present and future of psychotherapy as a profession.

Experiences of a professional from the middle generation, haphazard and fallible subjective narratives and experiences in the frame of historical remembrance. It presents a picture of a family formed by a psychiatrist and a psychologist in the sixties in Intapuszta, experiences in some psycho-therapeutically oriented institutions throughout the country in the eighties and the Psychotherapeutic Week-ends. It speaks about the differences in professional attitudes of young psychologists and medical doctors, the challenges and difficulties of starting a profession, and the difficult task of reconciling private and professional life. I tell how I’ve met with the method of psychodynamic movement and dance therapy, and the impact of being absorbed in the bodily self-experience by movement on my approach and the everyday life of my verbal therapy work. I share experiences and thoughts about the advantages of applying different approaches parallel, about the excessively rigorous expectations in the training, about the psychological position of therapists in private practice and about some aspects of preventing burn out and acquiring professional stability.

Keywords: subjective narratives – psychotherapy history – life tasks and professional expectations – movement and dance therapy – self-experience


Offline therapy

Gábor Szőnyi

Unexpectedly, the Covid-19 pandemic accelerated the spread of remote therapies exponentially. Overshadowed by the epidemic threat, it became difficult to bring the traditional, in-room – offline – therapies and online methods into a dialogue and mutual reflection.

The author’s starting point is that the online form is one of the basic psychotherapy settings, to which the different methods develop a specific fit. When we move forward from this position, we can go beyond such approaches, which try to transform offline therapies entirely into online methods. We introduce a new aspect by looking at offline therapies from an online therapy perspective and explore eventual surplus and disadvantages, as well as the fit of divergent psychotherapy methods to online and offline settings.

According to the author, we are at the beginning of a long process: the development of new, i.e. online methods. This process demands that theory, training aspects, practice parameters and professional ethical aspects develop hand in hand, in broad professional cooperation. The integration of offline-online respectively online-offline transition characteristics into the work is especially important. The author is concerned: lack of such cooperative professional activity could lead to a weakening in societal acceptance of psychotherapies.

Keywords: online therapy – offline therapy – basic therapy settings – training – societal acceptance

Rethinking the aspects of the doctor-patient relationship with the help of a Balint group and the intersubjective analysis of the relationship based on a case report

András Spányik, Györgyi Kovács, Csilla Csáki

In our study, we describe the case of a paediatrician-allergologist medical doctor, presented in a Balint group. Both the presenter specialist and the authors of the article are employees of the private health centre, psychotherapists, clinical psychologists and somatic specialists equally attended in the Balint group. In the introduction, we have tried to briefly summarise our integrative aspirations concerning our interdisciplinary community, as well as the operating principle of the professional teams of the company. In our study, we attempt to rethink the characteristics of the doctor-patient encounter formulated by Bálint according to contemporary psychoanalytic literature. In addition to the transference and countertransference aspects of the physician-patient relationship, we discuss possible non-interpretive mechanisms and technical aspects of the physician-patient relationship. The theoretical basis of the proposal is the literature developed and published by the Boston Change Process Study Group (BCPSG), formed in 1995.

In the case description and analysis, the impact of the patient’s early childhood medical trauma and the mother-child relationship is emphasized. In addition to the biological aspects of the case description, we focused on the intersubjective aspects of the doctor-patient relationship. We tried to highlight the importance of the doctor-patient relationship in the alleviation of the patient’s symptoms.

Keywords: Balint-group doctor-patient relationship intersubjective approach

Workshop study

Life-centred therapy: a teaser from the works of Manu Bazzano

Dániel Ványi

This paper briefly describes the life-centred psychotherapeutic perspective that unfolds in the works of Manu Bazzano. This perspective is founded on the Zen Buddhist tradition, the philosophical counter-tradition, and the person-centred, existentialist, and psychoanalytical psychotherapy approaches. It aims at the affirmation of life, the unfolding of active forces, and deep transformation, as opposed to superficial personality change. It points out the illusory nature of a separate self with a fixed substance, and, in parallel, the ungraspable, constantly changing nature of reality. A new therapeutic- and life perspective is forming from all this, that invites the radical transcending of stiffened personal and social structures. This approach accepts the uncertainty of life and the suffering and joy that goes along with it and appreciates life for its intrinsic value, independent of external goals. It claims that making the unconscious fully conscious is impossible, but it considers desirable to realize the ungraspable, and therefore, in this sense, unconscious quality of conscious experience.

Keywords: affirmation of life – becoming – ungraspable nature of self and reality – transformation – making the conscious unconscious

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