a professional journal of practice based on psychotherapeutic methods
A quarterly publication 30th year, issue 3. August 2021
Henrietta Benkő, Tibor Cece Kiss, István Tiringer
Theoretical study
Katalin Orosz, Zita S. Nagy: Psychology from transpersonal aspect. The debut of a Hungarian transpersonal psychotherapeutic centre
Questions of practice
Árpád Süle: ‘The therapist’s role in the stagnation of the therapeutic process and their self-exploration in (peer) supervision
Research study
Dénes Szemán, Felícia András, Gábor Imre, Vera Muth, Boglárka Nyúl: „Virus times 2”. Ways of adaptation to the pandemic situation in psychotherapy and counselling
Cary Rick: On dance therapy. Movement analysis and body language. Translated by: Zsuzsa Sipos, János Harmatta
Márta Merényi: Cary Rick then and now
Workshop study
Enikő Albert-Lőrincz, Attila Antal, József Gábos, Judit Makkai-Dimény, Johanna Hegyi: The development of psychotherapy in the last thirty years – a look upon Transylvania
Workshop presentation
Mária Barna, Tibor Cece Kiss, Lili Valkó: Turning point: Maturations and arrivals. Online conference of the journal Pszichoterápia
Retro column – Selection of the previous issues of Pszichoterápia – Excerpt from Béla Buda’s Editorial in an issue from 1998
Mocking glass
Pillory – György Besenyei, Éva Pollák ♦ Zoltán Terenyi, Emőke Sarungi
Discussions, comments
Debate on taking notes during therapy or consultation – Anna Dobossy ♦ Bálint Érlaki ♦ Laura Tarafás
Debate about the future of psychotherapy – István Ormay
In memoriam Szecsődi Imre – Gábor Szőnyi
In memoriam Szakács Ferenc – Emőke Bagdy
Conferences – Henrietta Benkő ♦ Krisztina Pál ♦ Zita Bódogné Stircz, Éva Nagy, Zsófia Emília Tóth ♦ Katinka Kertész
Theater letter
Amaryl Árkovits, Kriszta Dorn: Legacy
Literary column
Klaus Kellerwessel: What’s up?
Book reviews – Diána Mintál ♦ Gábor Szőnyi ♦ István Tiringer ♦ Erika Baginé Tóth
List of professional books and periodicals
Professional programs
Editorial announcements
Theoretical study
Psychology from transpersonal aspect. The debut of a Hungarian transpersonal psychotherapeutic centre
Katalin Orosz, Zita S. Nagy:
We are aiming to describe the underlying principles of our transpersonal psychology and psychotherapy through presenting the work of a Hungarian transpersonal psychotherapeutic centre.
In the first section of our two-part study, we summarize how “transpersonality” can fit into modern scientific psychology. We discuss the characteristic of the stage of personality development beyond the personal level, paying special attention to why the integration of spiritual experiences is considered as a normative crisis. In addition, we highlight the importance of the pre-personal life stage – especially the pre- and perinatal period – in normal development.
We are dealing with the question, what are the psychological consequences of considering a person as both an independent being and a part of a greater whole. According to our assumption, balanced development – which considers both individual and social interests – as well as trust play a key role in the well-being of both individuals and society. For that reason, the psychological aspects of these phenomena will be discussed in detail.
The description of personality and personality development can only be complete by integrating the functioning of our natural side. Accordingly, we cover the biological and psychological processes of stress reactions in detail. We believe that reducing the stress reaction might be a key factor for positive changes in our emotional life, in our connections and in our society. The consciousness of the experience of existence plays a remarkable role in this development.
In addition to intrapsychic processes, we also address the psychological processes of healthy community development, because we assume that the creation of new types of communities can be an interpersonal way to healing the connections built on trust.
Keywords: transpersonal personality development – perinatal psychology – spiritual experiences– stress reaction – community psychology
Questions of practice
‘The therapist’s role in the stagnation of the therapeutic process and their self-exploration in (peer) supervision
Árpád Süle
There are four perspectives developed in the person-centered and experiential psychotherapy to look at the client’s process and its stagnations. These illuminate four subprocesses of the functioning of the person: the way clients give meaning to their experiences, the way of relating to these experiences, to others or to life itself. The stagnations of the client’s process become part of the therapeutic process, but this will get stuck only if the therapist also gets caught in a structure-bound functioning by them. In this article I investigate from these four perspectives the ways the therapist contributes to the stagnation of the therapeutic process. I begin with the description of a focusing-oriented peer supervision process of my own. In the next steps I elicit from these four perspectives how a therapist can get caught in an own structure-bound functioning and contributes to the stagnation of the therapeutic process. At the same time, I discuss some thoughts on understanding and managing the processes that take place in (peer) supervision.
Keywords: person-centred – focusing-oriented – structure-bound – relationship – person as process
Research study
„Virus times 2”. Ways of adaptation to the pandemic situation in psychotherapy and counselling
Dénes Szemán, Felícia András, Gábor Imre, Vera Muth, Boglárka Nyúl
In our research, we studied ways of adaptation to the pandemic situation caused by SARS-CoV-2 in psychotherapy and counselling services. We focused mainly on the adaptation strategies, the factors influencing them, and the settings applied in each adaptation strategy. The questionnaire used in the survey was developed based on an expert-empirical basis, sent to communities of psychotherapy and counselling professionals, applying the snowball method. The sample (156 subjects), similarly to our spring study, mainly consists of professionals with significant experience in their field representing the middle generation, predominantly psychotherapists with psychodynamic approach. The data collection took place in early winter 2020.
Compared to the results of spring 2020, the freedom of choice of colleagues has increased, which has been reflected in more varied settings and common evaluations with patients. At the same time, the seek for stability has remained strong. Our sample was divided into two subgroups according to their planning strategies for a temporal length of adaptation („future-oriented”, and „reactive”) and has been compared. The time perspective chosen is connected to the planning process, to the setting applied, to the way of changing the setting, which outlines the different patterns of the adaptation strategies.
Keywords: psychotherapy – counselling – epidemic – adaptation strategies
On dance therapy. Movement analysis and body language. Translated by: Zsuzsa Sipos, János Harmatta
Cary Rick
Although Hungarian colleagues have been experimenting with movement and dance therapy approaches since the 1970s, an important moment in the development of the method family was the visit to Hungary in the mid-1980s by an internationally renowned specialist, Cary Rick, at the invitation of János Harmatta. He gave several lectures and movement workshops for Hungarian professionals. The articles now published in the Pearls section are translations of the lectures given, which were published in the form of a booklet by the Hungarian Psychiatric Society, Psychotherapy Section, Theory and Research Working Group in 1988.
The lecture On dance therapy contains Cary Rick’s – sometimes philosophical – views on the movement and dance therapeutic approach, its ‘image of man’, its theory of development and change, and its points of intervention. His other lecture entitled Movement analysis and body language is more technical and provides an insight into the movement analytical system of Rudolf Laban (Rezső Lábán) who is of Hungarian origin.
The two short writings are followed by a Comment by Márta Merényi, which partly puts them in context and partly describes the current relevance of Cary Rick’s lectures.
Keywords: Cary Rick – movement and dance therapy – movement analysis – body language – development of dance therapy in Hungary
the editor
Workshop study
The development of psychotherapy over the last 30 years in Transylvania
Enikő Albert-Lőrincz, Attila Antal, József Gábos, Judit Makkai-Dimény, Johanna Hegyi
This retelling of the past thirty years of effort to embed psychotherapy in Transylvania has been requested by the editors of Pszichoterápia. It is based on evoking personal experiences and it is not a situation report built on research data.
Psychotherapists from different parts of Transylvania (Párcium, Székelyföld); from cities and small towns; with different backgrounds (doctors, psychologists) and specializations speak out on how they experienced the framework provided by regulations and official institutions; on how the system evolved to its current shape and how they see the future prospects for psychotherapy.
The report covers the initial organization of psychotherapy, the different options explored by the pioneers, the schools that have taken root, the availability of public and private care, the development of funding, the specificities of professional training, the relationship between Transylvanian, Romanian and Hungarian psychotherapy, the difficulties experienced, and provides some future outlook for the profession.
Keywords: psychotherapy – training – finance – Romanian Association of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy – relaxation and symbol therapy
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