a professional journal of practice based on psychotherapeutic methods
A quarterly publication 30th year, issue 1. February 2021
Noémi Berger, Lili Valkó, Mária Barna
Márta Takácsy
Invited paper
Noémi Hajduska-Dér: The past and future of psychotherapy – from the perspective of a new generation
Stefano Bolognini: New forms of psychopathology in a changing world: a challenge for psychoanalysis in the twenty-first century. Translated by: Mária Barna
Dóra Perczel-Forintos: Thoughts on Stefano Bolognini’s essay: New forms of psychopathology in a changing world: a challenge for psychoanalysis in the twenty-first century
Ágoston Schmelowszky: Challenges of psychoanalysis in the XXI. Century from the point of view of a psychoanalyst from Hungary – thoughts concerning the essay of Stefano Bolognini
Erika Tóth: Person-centeredness in a changing world – comment for the essay of Stefano Bolognini
Stafano Bolognini: Answer to the thoughts of the Hungarian colleagues. Translated by: Mária Barna
Questions of practice
Emese Molnár: A somato-psychotherapeutic approach of destructive processes of developmental crises
Workshop study
Ágnes Pálvölgyi, Gabriella Goschi: Framework of the profession of sport psychology
Zsófia Mészár, Szilvia Rajhona, Orsolya Nagy: The importance of working with the body during a pandemic – the psychodynamic movement- and dance therapy’s possibilities of adaptation in the virus situation
Workshop report
Tamás Dávid: Work with altered states of mind amid online setting
Anikó Kelemenné Kovács: Bomb office
Zsanett Kepics: Professional gold fish
Discussions, comments
Debate on taking notes during therapy or consultation: Kata Brieger ♦ Krisztina Csáky-Pallavicini ♦ Ildikó Rózsa
Professional view – Professional colleges – Attila Németh ♦ Péter Kovács
Retro column – Selection of the previous issues of Pszichoterápia, I. year, issue 1.
In memoriam Ila Erős – Péter Kalmár
Conferences – Lívia Bokor ♦ Szilvia Droppa
Book reviews – Mária Barna ♦ Diána Mintál ♦ István Tiringer
List of professional books and periodicals
Professional programs
Editorial announcements
Invited paper
The past and future of psychotherapy – from the perspective of a new generation
Noémi Hajduska-Dér
From time to time, psychotherapy – as every other profession – can benefit from a review of its past and present, as well as a glimpse at its future prospects. In this personal study I reconsider the somewhat idealized past of Hungarian psychotherapy, its more critically viewed present, and look at the possibilities of future changes as a representative of a new generation. I draw a parallel between the development of psychotherapy and that of sociology, its contemporary. Relying on the study of sociologist Dénes Némedi, I touch upon the following topics: safeguarding the moral vocation of psychotherapy, representing the importance of the freedom of the individual and social justice, the psychotherapist’s possibilities and limits in going political; all relevant issues today. In the main part of the study, I present the trajectories of young psychologists’ and psychotherapists’ professional formation, highlighting the increasingly prevalent phenomenon of premature closure: the tendency of young psychologists to start their own private praxes ever earlier, without the backing of a professional team. While the number of professionals on the market is high, patients face difficulties in finding the appropriate treatment provider, due to providers’ uneven professional competences. A solution to this problem is yet to be found, in the lack of an umbrella organization that would bring psychologists together and represent them according to their expertise. Until then, self-organized groups and some articles are at our disposal.
Keywords: past of psychotherapy – professional formation – premature closure – moral vocation – search for professional help
New forms of psychopathology in a changing world: a challenge for psychoanalysis in the twenty-first century
Stefano Bolognini
This paper describes some psychopathological macro-phenomena which characterize the change in the patients during these last 30 years; and the consequently changed conditions in the work of contemporary analysts, who are increasingly dealing with patients’ difficulty and reluctance in accepting their basic dependence inside the object relationship. Commitment, the frequency of the sessions, contractual obligation and the perception of the complexity and depth of the analytic relationship today – much more than in the past – arouse their mistrust towards their engagement with psychoanalysis. Factors encouraging and strengthening new resistances today are examined: ways of growing up in early childhood, the precariousness and liquidity of family ties, omnipotence and not-separateness illusions inspired by the Internet, substance abuse, valorisation of narcissistic autonomic ideals etc. Correspondingly, psychoanalysis too is changing.
Keywords: constraint – dependence – intake – narcissism – parenting styles – relational autonomy
Translated by: Mária Barna
Original publication: Bolognini, Stefano (2020): Nuove forme psicopatologiche in un mondo che cambia: una sfida per la psicoanalisi del XXI° secolo. The Italian Psychoanalytic Annual. Raffaello Cortina Editore, 1–15. Published with the permission of the author and the original publisher
Questions of practice
A somato-psychotherapeutic approach of destructive processes of developmental crises
Emese Molnár
The article is about the relationship between adolescence and destruction. The first part reviews the importance of the bodily experiences of developmental crises, especially the pubescent crisis, the parallels of emotional and bodily experiences and their possible involvement in the therapeutic process. It studies the natural transformation and the „neither here, nor there” state, which is an extremely sensitive and perhaps unique period, where possibilities of injury and illness, as well as development and upbuilding abound. The article invokes myths and rituals for a deeper understanding of this state. The second part deals with the inevitable aggression and destruction in development and change (showing their differences), in particular its adolescent characteristics and significance. Points out that in this process, destruction can be seen as a natural and creative solution to help the adolescent create and define himself. Finally, the article reviews the possibilities of somato-psychotherapeutic processing of destructive processes in adolescence with the help of some case details.
Keywords: developmental (normative) crises – rite of passage –transformational rituals –pubescent crisis – aggression-destruction-regression –somato-psychotherapy
Workshop study
Framework of the profession of sport psychology
Ágnes Pálvölgyi, Gabriella Goschi
Sport psychology evolves intensively, but up to present day it has been searching for its stable and accepted professional identity. As it is an applied science it has a difficult duty because it has to „hold on” in the field of sport. Competitive sport has special requirements for those psychologists who work with athletes, coaches and sport clubs. Our pursuit is based on the demand of sport professionals that they want a deeper understanding of psychological mechanisms. Based on our experiences sport psychology needs a deep psychological knowledge which it can use specifically adapted to sport, and the whole sports sector needs a psychological sensitization as well. Sport moves huge masses and the activity which is used consciously can become a fantastic tool of the education and amelioration. It is very important to create a real cooperation between psychology and sport, and that the two field could better understand each other. We write and edit a textbook series to form a common language between psychology and sport, and we also propose to establish a complex educational system.
Keywords: sport psychology – professional identity – applied science – personality development – activity
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