Issue 2 – May 2020


a professional journal of practice based on psychotherapeutic methods
A quarterly publication 29th year, issue 2, May 2020



Lili Valkó, László Bokor


Synthetical article

Antonino Ferro, Giuseppe Civitarese: Psychoanalysis and the Bionian field theory, part I. Translated by: Zsuzsa Lőrincz

Research study

Hajnal Korbai, Bea Ehmann: How can therapists apply their experiences in active and passive body awareness techniques in therapeutic relationships?


György Gábor Németh: Countertransference and projective identification – in another way. An attempt of interpretation in the context of yoga science


The way we work”

Anna Forgách: Remote therapy as a protective sleeping bag. Skype therapy in practice

Éva Hosszú: Comments on the work of Anna Forgách

Viktóra Simon: Comments on the work of Anna Forgách

Tamás Kárpáti: Comments on the work of Anna Forgách



Report of the general assmebly of the Psychotherapeutic Council Society (PTSz) of 13/02/2020 Zoltán Terenyi


Talking with Lynne Jacobs – Tibor Cece Kiss, Márta Takácsy

Discussions, comments

Debate on the possibilities of self-knowledge work in groups organized by universities – Csaba Szummer ♦ Márta Takácsy

Debate on the possible responses of psychology, to social phenomenoms – László Bokor ♦ Dóra Máriási

Ethical questions in therapeutic practice 31st Gábor Imre ♦ Emese Kőtörő ♦ Tamás Dömötör Szalai

Point of view

The charachteristics of the prosecutions in the subject of the law on restricting the activities of healthcare providers of uncertain quality and unclear background János Vizi


In memoriam Ferenc Erős


Conferences – József Krékits, Petra Pócza-Véger Gábor Szőnyi Anna Mária Hansjürgens Ildikó Falus

Museum letter – Gábor Szőnyi

Book reviews – István Tiringer

List of professional books and periodicals

Professional programs

Editorial announcements

Synthetical article

Antonio Ferro, Giuseppe Civitarese

Psychoanalysis and the Bionian field theory, part I

The Bionian field theory (BFT) is a model of the relational psychoanalytical theories elaborated by Italian psychoanalysts. The importance of their theory is summarised by the authors as follows: “Field theory is a newer and more profound theory of unconscious communication between individuals because it involves a more radical notion than other models of the unconscious and oneiric functioning in the session: because it offers a more accurate description of the functioning of the analytic relationship; and because it changes our conception of a therapeutic factor and interpretation.”

In the first part of the study (presented in this issue), one can get acquainted with the theoretical antecedents and main concepts of field theory. In the second part of the paper (to be published in the next issue), the authors reply to contemporary critics allowing us to examine some more details of the theory. Case vignettes make the method clearer. Although the study is not an easy reading, psychoanalysts and dynamically oriented psychotherapists can utilize it, even if they do not follow the field theory in their clinical practice.

Keywords: field – revery–─ transformation – building of representations – thinking

Translated by: Zsuzsa Lőrincz

Original publication: Ferro, A., Civitarese, G. (2016): Psychoanalysis and the analytic field. In: Elliot, A., Jeffrey, J. (szerk.): The Routledge handbook of psychoanalysis in the social sciences and humanities, Abing-don-on-Thames, Routledge, 132–149. Translated and published with the publisher’s permission.

Research study

Hajnal Korbai, Bea Ehmann

How can therapists apply their experiences in active and passive body awareness techniques in therapeutic relationships?

This paper aims to present the different effects of practising active or passive body awareness techniques on the body sensations experienced by therapists, on the therapeutic relationship, and the effectiveness of therapy.

Psychological content analysis of cases reported by therapists in interview research explored how the active or passive nature of the therapists’ body awareness techniques can influence the recalled body sensations, emotions and relationship events in the reports. In another presented study we analysed the content of difficult body sensations and emotions of the therapists, which can burden the therapeutic relationships occasionally.

In successful cases, the active group recalled significantly more body sensations and relationship events than the passive group. Passive technique practitioners evoked significantly more body sensations in cases considered failed than in successful cases. In the failed cases, the negative, difficult body sensations and emotions dominated, and they negatively correlated with the relationship events. The active and passive groups differed only in tendencies regarding the content of difficult body sensations and emotions.

The body awareness experiences of therapists may have effects on the functioning of the therapeutic relationship since they support creating and maintaining a concentrated state of attention, acceptance, attunement, authentic communication and other relationship competencies. Active and passive methods based on body awareness techniques can help in different ways to achieve these goals, and they can promote the effectiveness of the work of professionals on several levels.

Keywords: intersubjective theories – body-mind approaches – body awareness techniques – relationship competencies – efficiency


György Gábor Németh

Countertransference and projective identification – in another way. An attempt of interpretation in the context of yoga science

This study attempts a new interpretation of two well-known analytic concepts, countertransference and projective identification, in the context of yoga science.

The yoga identifies further levels of existence beyond the physical body, among others the so-called subtle body, which involves the system of energy centres/chakras. From this point of aspect the meeting of two persons in the therapeutic space is the meeting of their subtle body systems as well, and the chakras acting as „signal giver/signal receiver devices” are the engines of the unconscious/energetic processes between them. Every chakra provides a specific mode of experience, and mediate the appearance of an identical human drama, for instance in the dimensions of the safety/survival, sensory pleasures or power.

In my opinion, the energetic background of the projective identification can be interpreted correctly in the concept of the chakra system, and we can perceive more subtle qualities during a therapeutic meeting with a more silent and cleaner mind-field achieved by yoga practises, and thus that we can broaden the traditional limits of projective identification and countertransference.

Beyond the theoretical considerations, I also would like to demonstrate in this study the practical aspect of this concept through a detailed analysis of a therapeutic session focusing particularly on the area of somatic countertransference. Based on my experience the somatic countertransference, feelings are linked mainly to the subtle body rather than to the physical body. Since they build up almost immediately and settle upon combinations of specific patterns, they can serve as an accurate compass in the clarification of the actual transference and countertransference relations.

Keywords: countertransference – projective identification – yoga – subtle body – chakra

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