a professional journal of practice based on psychotherapeutic methods
A quarterly publication 29th year, issue 3, August 2020
Márta Takácsy, István Tiringer
Synthetical article
Antonio Ferro, Giuseppe Civitarese: Psychoanalysis and the Bionian field theory, part II. Translated by: Zsuzsa Lőrincz
Andrea Gyimes, Ágoston Schmelowszky: Particularities of psychological therapies mediated by computer and other electronic devices
Methodological study
Philip Stokoe: The healthy and the unhealthy organization: how can we help teams to remain effective? Translated by: Gábor Szőnyi
Case study
Zsófia Esperger: Beyond the ward, beyond the canteen. About the relationship between self-disclosure and authority
István Tiringer: Debate on LAC-depression study in the German psychotherapeutic literature
Érlaki Bálint: Hallo?
Tibor Cece Kiss, Krisztina Pál, Lili Valkó, Henrietta Benkő, István Tiringer, Mária Barna: Becsavarodás – Kicsavarodás – The online conference of the Journal of Psychotherapy
Discussions, comments
Debate on the possible responses of psychology, to social phenomenoms – Veronika Kökény ♦ László Németh ♦ Lili Valkó
Ethical questions in therapeutic practice 32nd – Zsuzsanna Litván ♦ Viola Sallay ♦ Gábor Szőnyi
News about the work of Psychotherapeutic Council Association – Zoltán Terenyi
In memoriam Horst Kächele – János Harmatta, Gábor Szőnyi
Conferences – Andrea Szegő ♦ Mária Barna ♦ Gábor Szőnyi
Book letter – Noémi Berger
Book reviews –Bea Gyalog ♦ Gábor Pintér ♦ Aranka Tiringer ♦ István Tiringer
List of professional books and periodicals
Professional programs
Editorial announcements
Synthetical article
Antonino Ferro, Giuseppe Civitarese
Psychoanalysis and the Bionian field theory, part I
The Bionian field theory (BFT) is a model of the relational psychoanalytical theories elaborated by Italian psychoanalysts. The importance of their theory is summarised by the authors as follows: “Field theory is a newer and more profound theory of unconscious communication between individuals because it involves a more radical notion than other models of the unconscious and oneiric functioning in the session: because it offers a more accurate description of the functioning of the analytic relationship; and because it changes our conception of a therapeutic factor and interpretation.”
In the first part of the study (presented in this issue), one can get acquainted with the theoretical antecedents and main concepts of field theory. In the second part of the paper (to be published in the next issue), the authors reply to contemporary critics allowing us to examine some more details of the theory. Case vignettes make the method clearer. Although the study is not an easy reading, psychoanalysts and dynamically oriented psychotherapists can utilize it, even if they do not follow the field theory in their clinical practice.
Keywords: field – revery–─ transformation – building of representations – thinking
Translated by: Zsuzsa Lőrincz
Original publication: Ferro, A., Civitarese, G. (2016): Psychoanalysis and the analytic field. In: Elliot, A., Jeffrey, J. (szerk.): The Routledge handbook of psychoanalysis in the social sciences and humanities, Abing-don-on-Thames, Routledge, 132–149. Translated and published with the publisher’s permission.
Andrea Gyimes, Ágoston Schmelowszky
Particularities of psychological therapies mediated by computer and other electronic devices
This paper is a systematic review of the major characteristics of the practical aspects of those psychological therapies which are mediated by electronic devices such as telephone or computer. Entering a mediating device into the intimacy of the therapeutic relationship seems to be a modification which possesses new potential but also has numerous pitfalls. These potentials and pitfalls are worth to be investigated since the new ways offered by these devices are more and more used, but our knowledge about their effects is still quite limited. We summarize the major trends of research in the related literature. The following topics are covered: historical outline, types and technical particularities, positive sides and indications, negative sides and contraindications, the question of effectiveness. Finally, we outline some criteria for further research.
Keywords: psychological treatments mediated by electronic devices – psychotherapy of long-distance – VOIP – telepsychology
Methodological study
Philip Stokoe
The healthy and the unhealthy organization: how can we help teams to remain effective?
This paper describes the factors essential to the healthy functioning of an organization, applying psychoanalytic ideas to clinical work, teams, organizations, and culture.
It describes some examples of the inhibition of healthy functioning in organizations,
particularly in forensic and mental health settings. It sets at the centre, the processing of anxiety, which is seen as an essential accompaniment to the conscious exchange from client to worker at the front line, which signals an unconscious communication about the deepest aspect to these exchanges. If the organisation models an interest in this unconscious exchange, it will benefit enormously from the information contained therein, if it ignores or blocks it, the anxiety and its expression will come to be associated with individuals in the organisation and the system will turn its focus on people and their personalities, to the detriment of the primary task.
Finally, there are descriptions of some interventions that can be used to help organizations
in trouble, including consultancy to management, reflective practice groups and staff support groups, clinical consultancy to teams, and education. There is a clinical example of an intervention which developed out of the healthy organisation model.
Key words: psychoanalysis – group relations – theory of organisations – socio-psychology
Translated by Gábor Szőnyi
Original publication: Stokoe, Phil (2011): The healthy and the unhealthy organization: how can we help teams to remain effective? In: Rubitel, A., Reiss, D.: Containment in the Community Supportive Frameworks for Thinking about Antisocial Behaviour and Mental Health. London, Routledge. Reproduced with permission of the Licensor through PLSclear ref. 35168.
Case study
Zsófia Esperger
Beyond the ward, beyond the canteen. About the relationship between self-disclosure and authority
The importance of therapists’ transparent presence in the therapy of borderline patients is widely accepted. However, in a markedly open and trustworthy atmosphere, therapists applying a non-countertransferential self-disclosure is still debatable. This case study introduces the non-countertransferential self-disclosure in its close interactions with other concepts – such as enactment and authority. The mapping of these interactions could provide support for the practice of self-disclosure, even in the absence of general rules. I present the problem of self-disclosure originating from a lunch eaten together with a young borderline woman patient of mine. This lunch – deemed as an enactment – helped me to experience relational authority. This experience, in turn, helped me to introduce self-disclosure as an intervention into the therapeutic process. I unfold the case as embedded in the hierarchic atmosphere of general psychiatric care, the applied mentalization based treatment, and the particularities of the relationship. I emphasize that this embeddedness rather highlights the interactions between self-disclosure, enactment and authority than separates them from its appearance in the case of other institutional conditions, methods or relational dynamics.
Keywords: self-disclosure – enactment – authority – borderline personality disorder – mentalization based treatment