a professional journal of practice based on psychotherapeutic methods
A quarterly publication 29th year, issue 4. November 2020
Tibor Cece Kiss, Krisztina Pál, Henrietta Benkő
Gábor Szőnyi:
Methodological study
Mathias Lohmer, Corinna Wernz: Narcissism and transference focused psychotherapy (TFP). Translated by: Veronika Szabó
Methodological study
Adrienne Incze: The subject and present of therapeutic events
Questions of practice
Márk Bérdi: Modern approaches to suicide risk assessment
Methodological study
Andrea Bauer: Remembering the voice of the soul. The mechanisms of sounds in supporting self-reflection. Based on one of the scenes of The Pianist by Roman Polanski
Workshop study
István Platthy: “Cradle of stars.” Art therapy for processing the themes of birth and family through folk art motives
Ilona Dombi, Judit Fülemile: Horgony online. Day care in the virtual (online) space
Discussions, comments
Debate on taking notes during therapy or consultation – Tibor Cece Kiss (debate launch) ♦ Roland Csősz
Ethical questions in therapeutic practice 33rd – Ágnes Nagy, Katalin Futó ♦ Dénes Szemán
Interview with Magda Szőnyi on the occasion of her 80th birthday – Henrietta Benkő, Tibor Cece Kiss
Salutation to Tom Ormay for his 85th birthday
Mocking glass
Competition: Dorottya Árvai’s caricature
Conferences – Judit Erdős ♦ Márta Takácsy ♦ Mária Barna
Film letter – Dóra Lőrik
Book reviews – András Hajnal ♦ Júlia Jakab ♦ Tamás Kárpáti ♦ Krisztina Pataky ♦ Gábor Szőnyi ♦ Márta Takácsy
List of professional books and periodicals
Professional programs
Editorial announcements
Methodological study
Narcissism and transference focused psychotherapy (TFP).
Mathias Lohmer, Corinna Wernz
Transference focused psychotherapy (TFP) (Yeomans, Clarkin, Kernberg 2016) was developed to treat severe personality disorder patients. The paper presents this approach through the treatment of narcissistic patients.
Key words: transference focused psychotherapy – TFP – narcissism
Original publication: Mathias Lohmer, Corinna Wernz (2019): Narzissmus und Übertragungsfokussierte Psychotherapie (TFP), PiD – Psychotherapie im Dialog, 20:48–52. DOI: 10.1055/a-0771-7091. Second publication with the permission of Thieme Publication Ltd..
Translated by: Veronika Szabó
Methodological study
The subject and present of therapeutic events
Adrienne Incze
This article aims to introduce the therapeutic potential of psychodynamic movement and dance therapy, highlighting its main components, with particular emphasis on body-mind work. A further purpose of this work is to facilitate dialogue between verbal and non-verbal psychotherapeutic methods, as well as psychoanalytic approaches. As part of this effort, I introduce a new interpretation for “global state of experience”. In the second part of this article, I share excerpts from clinical work to illustrate the therapeutic processes and outcomes characteristic of this method. The PMT puts the body into a therapeutic context. In the motional setting’s relational model of work, the bodily-motional focus and the caring touch creates powerful situations, where the regulation of emotions is mutual. Whereas, while working with the body-mind approach, the main focus is on the bodily experiences of the participant. The bodily perceptions, embedded in a global experience, gradually separate the former meaning from the experience itself. If the emotional atmosphere is sufficiently tuned and supportive, this process brings to light previously intolerable, and thus avoided affects, making progress and healing possible.
Keywords: psychodynamic movement and dance therapy – primary body experience – global state of experience – the creative capacity of the body
Questions of practice
Modern approaches to suicide risk assessment
Márk Bérdi
As suicide continues to be a global public health problem, more and more research all over the world is addressing suicide prevention and prediction and examining the reliability of the measurement tools used. These results, for several reasons, give an at least mixed picture of the predictive value of our scales.
Since the turn of the millennium, a client-centred approach to suicide risk assessment has gained ground. These approaches focus on the client’s unique narrative and understanding of the suicide crisis. These are typically systematic interview procedures: in addition to classically investigated risk factors, they focus on the needs, strengths, protective factors and treatment design of the patient.
In the theoretical part of the study, I briefly overview this new approach to the assessment and the therapy of suicidality, which I shall illustrate with two clinical vignettes. In the second part of the paper, I introduce two specific risk assessment methods. One is the Screening tool for assessing the risk of suicide interview (Hawgood and De Leo), which can be used to estimate short-term or immediate risk. The other one is the six-item short suicide scale, developed by Zoltán Rihmer et al. which is developed to measure long-term vulnerability.
Keywords: suicide – prediction – narrative – client-centred
Methodological study
Remembering the voice of the soul
The mechanisms of sounds in supporting self-reflection. Based on one of the scenes of The Pianist by Roman Polanski
Andrea Bauer
Władysław Szpilman – the protagonist of the film, The Pianist – despite the horror of war and his complete vulnerability, was able to progress not only for himself but for his surroundings, which helped him escape. Although this was not a conscious act of him, it was done by his art, where he has been assisted by the meeting point of music and self-coherence. Through this example in this study, I attempt to explore, how the sounds and the music can reach an inner change in the music creator, as well as the listener, even provoking a therapeutic effect. The sounds of a non-conscious, physical, and affective perception are examined. I search for those processes/structures which provides a possibility for the correction of the relationship knowledge along with the representations of musical experiences. I review the formation of coherent self-image along the memory research supported by music psychology and music therapy in a complex biopsychosocial model. Furthermore, the role of the musical experience of early-childhood social attitude in resilience development is observed, in the reflection of the primary relationship with the caregiver. The artistic (musical) creative procedures and vitality affects are rooted in the formation of time perception. This process is described and understood with the concept of Stern.
Keywords: resilience – musical remembering – vitality affect – musical time – self-coherence – self-synchronicity
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