On the one hand, the study examines the relation between trauma and dream. On the other hand, it describes the features that are methodically specific to the functions of dreams in analytically oriented, deadline bound psychotherapies and psychoanalyses. Through two psychotherapeutic cases and two analyses it presents the ways trauma appears in the dreams and the path that leads us to the navel of the dream described by Freud. There is a connection between the frequency of the occurrence of the dream and the method, and between the frequency and the transmission. The first dream`s therapeutic function unfolds when it is compared to the other dreams told during the therapy. In the context of the study the therapeutic change happen through the modification of the dream telling. As narrated dreams have structure-creator function, the structure of the patient`s story about themselves will also change, which will result in the change of the personality structure.
Key-words: trauma – dream – navel of the dream – the function of the dream – change in the structure of the narrative
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