A professional journal of practice based on psychotherapeutic methods
A quarterly publication
32nd year, issue 3, August 2023.
Mária Barna, István Tiringer
Theoretical study
Márk Bérdi, Robert J. Cramer: Assessing and managing suicide risk: a competency-based approach and a training plan. Part I
Essay study
Zsófia Somogyi: The dilemmas of sex offenders’ therapy in prison
Anna Freud: Diagnostic skills and their growth in psycho-analysis – translated by: Bernadett Ildikó Gál
The way we work…
Mária Barna: Rubber in the therapy room – an attempt to understand eroticized transference in the therapy of a „difficult patient”
Comments: László Bokor, Gabriella Vizin, Ágnes Standovár
András Földes: How does danger become work? And how can one stand it?
Workplace of my dreams/nightmares?
Richárd Flach: One day of the school psychologist
Back to school
Interviews with the leaders and students of the psychotherapy training program of Pécs–Dániel Eörsi, Zsanett Kepics
Debates, comments
Ethical dilemmas in therapeutic practice 42.: Dorottya Árvai ♦ Lilla Benczúr ♦ Zoltán Terenyi
Is the therapist human(?)
Awards: Éva Bányai – lifetime achievement award
Report on the 17. conference of Pszichoterápia based on feedback from participants – Zsanett Kepics, István Tiringer, Lili Valkó
Conferences – Erika Stiblár ♦ Claudia Laskay-Horváth, Andrea Horváth ♦ István Tiringer
Book reviews – Zsanett Kepics ♦ Tamás Tényi ♦ István Tiringer
List of professional books and periodicals
Professional programs
Editorial announcements
Márk Bérdi, Robert J. Cramer
Assessing and managing suicide risk: a competency-based approach and a training plan. Part I.
Internationally, as in other areas of health care, there is a growing emphasis on competency and skills-based education and examination in clinical psychology training. With the introduction of competencies into training, the more classical knowledge-based education is increasingly being complemented by skills practice, emphasizing what works in the job. Competency-focused education is also reflected in the development of curricula and the assessment of skills acquired, i.e., the examination method. In the first part of our two-part study, we introduce the role and importance of competencies and skills in clinical psychology work. We then describe the ten main areas of competence needed to assess and manage suicide risk. These are then described in detail, along with sound and best practices that are effective in risk assessment and treatment based on currently available research evidence. We also publish a ten-item Suicide Prevention and Assessment – Competency Assessment Form (SCAF-R, Suicide Competency Assessment Form – Revised) to measure the ten core competency levels presented. The SCAF-R is a Likert-scale-based self-report assessment tool with the option of a textual rating by the observer(s).
Keywords: competence, suicide risk, training, adaptation, best practices
Zsófia Somogyi
The dilemmas of sex offenders’ therapy in prison
For convicted sex offenders whose victims are under 18 years of age, the Hungarian Prison Service should offer a therapeutic option aimed at reducing the risk of recidivism. However, this poses a number of difficulties for the therapist, which are different from those encountered in civilian life, partly due to the closed, strict system and partly due to the specific nature of this group of offenders. Treatment options must fit in with the rules and regulations of detention, which take priority. At the same time, sex offenders are at the bottom of the hierarchy, both in society and in prisons, which affects their personality and behaviour. Not all sex offenders are paedophiles; most of them commit sexual offences because of other mental disorders, but their stigmatisation leads to a high incidence of manipulative behaviours and often the primary reason for their admission to intensive treatment program is not their offence but the distress of their imprisonment. Meanwhile, the therapist must constantly grapple with a number of moral and legal dilemmas, maintaining an accepting attitude, but protecting herself from secondary traumatisation. In this complex process, the therapeutic goal is to move from shame over being caught to guilt over the crime, while coping with the challenges that arise.
Keywords: sex offenders- paedophilia-prison service- intensive treatment program-therapeutic difficulties
Anna Freud
Diagnostic skills and their growth in psycho-analysis
Translated by: Bernadett Ildikó Gál
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