A professional journal of practice based on psychotherapeutic methods
A quarterly publication, 32nd year, issue 1, February 2023.
Henrietta Benkő, Zsanett Kepics
Essay study
Annamária Tari, Gábor Szőnyi: Online therapy – online training?
Theoretical study
Róbert Oravecz: The nature of the suicide process, from the point of view of analytical psychotherapy
Theoretical study
Richárd Flach: The role of the school psychologist in the treatment of child and adolescent suicide crises
Workshop report
Lili Valkó: The role of ethics and ethical dilemmas in psychotherapy training and training associations’ life
Studio talk
Zsanett Kepics, Dániel Vattay: Talk about adolescents’ mental state and related healthcare provision
Vicinal train
Krisztina Pál, Zsanett Kepics: New passengers, please!
Zsuzsa Zatroch: Psychologist on the ends
„Let’s sit in a circle, like the indians used to, and let’s try to exchange thoughts as if around a fire or a table” – portrait of János Szemelyácz – compiled by Noémi Berger
Professional view
GIGAZOOM in the name of transparency –Amaryl Árkovits, Gábor Pintér, Zoltán Terenyi, Erika Tóth, Katalin Varga S., Dorottya Csurgai, Andrea Kútvölgyi, Dávid Markó
Discussions, comments
Debate on pro bono psychotherapy – Mária Barna
Ethical dilemmas of therapeutic practice 40th: Judit Csonka ♦ Tímea Kardos ♦ Eszter Kuritár
Inaugural speech of Zsolt Demetrovics
Conferences –István Tiringer ♦ Ádám Bence Kiss ♦ Dániel Eörsi
Book reviews –Bonnie Bakuretz, Anita Deák ♦ István Tiringer
List of professional books and periodicals
Professional programs
Annamária Tari, Gábor Szőnyi
Online therapy – online training?
The COVID pandemic has accelerated the spreading of online (remote) psychotherapy. According to the authors, the practice of online psychotherapy remains and will grow further. Whether we conceive of online therapy as a modification or as a new setting, we face the following question: which type of training should it be linked to? After an overview of the divergences between online and offline functioning in several dimensions, the authors propose to think of online work as an independent setting, which permeates the therapeutic relationship as well as the therapeutic process.
In their opinion, remote therapy and the training in remote therapy is in the experimental phase. They summarize the questions in which the profession – universities with training programmes in psychotherapy, method-specific associations, service provider clinics and therapists – should come to common denominators. Psychotherapy protocols and the ethical codex should be enriched with points on online therapy. Consequently, parallel with the development of online therapists’ training, the authors propose to start research on the topic. They are concerned that if the spread of online psychotherapeutic practice will not be accompanied by matching training programs, the social respect that psychotherapy has gained in the last period will face a decline.
Keywords: online psychotherapy – online training – setting – characteristics of online work – research
Róbert Oravecz
The nature of the suicide process, from the point of view of analytical psychotherapy
In response to the peaking Hungarian wave of suicides in the ‘80s, Balázs Kézdi and his research team developed a theory based on communication and cultural anthropology, known today as discursive suicidology. In contrast to the mainstream thinking in suicidology, which was supposed to research the causes of suicide, the research team aimed at a „dense understanding” of the suicide process. Applying content analyses, the research group intended to capture the communication characteristics and linguistic markers that can be used to understand and trace the suicide process in its social context.
The theory provided an opportunity to recognize and individually assess specific suicide threats and to provide an effective crisis intervention through the local SOS telephone service lines and the crisis intervention department.
Over the past four decades, mainly Hungarian authors have published numerous articles in Hungarian and international scientific journals. which contributed to the evolution of the theory of discursive suicidology.
The theory relies on complex, interdisciplinary psychological and humanistic scientific concepts and as such is closely related to contemporary concepts of psychotherapy.
The article summarizes the basic characteristics of discursive suicidology, its integration with contemporary humanistic concepts and narrative theory.
The interweaving of psychotherapy with neurobiology and cognitive sciences opened up space for understanding the suicide process through the theory of discursive suicidology. The author stresses on the importance of focusing on textual manifestations of the suicide process in the psychotherapeutic work.
Keywords: suicide – suicide note, farewell letter – discourse – narratives – psychotherapy
Richárd Flach
The role of the school psychologist in the treatment of child and adolescent suicide crises
Suicidal ideations are a serious risk factor and a leading cause of death in the younger age cohort, which always requires immediate intervention from the environment.
The role of school psychologists, whose presence in schools is growing in the past years, is especially crucial. They are the ones who facilitate the pedagogical (educating-mentoring) work and function as mental health gatekeepers.
The work of school psychologists is gaining both in acceptance and in demand, is legally regulated and supported by protocols, yet professional guidelines are missing regarding child and adolescent suicidal behavior in terms of recognition, care and prevention, regulators and good practices. The issue is unresolved even on the international scale.
Typical challenges characterizing the school psychologist profession (disproportion of direct and indirect interventions, overrepresentation of entrants, difficult working environment and conditions) also pose problems which lead to rapid burnout and career shifts in many cases.
At the same time, in emotionally stressful crisis situations and during crisis management a multi-faceted intervention is needed, from the accurate assessment of the environment to the referral to specialist care, as the work with the school psychologist does not replace the child psychiatric care or psychotherapy treatment.
In this process the crisis management competence of the professionals, their attitudes and knowledge regarding suicide and self-harm, the ethical issues of confidentiality, their interprofessional (e.g. psychiatrist, general practitioner, social worker) communication skills, the opportunity to cooperate with parents, teachers and institution managers come to the focus.
Within the framework of this study, I will illustrate the possible processes of crisis management through the presentation of two cases.
We will discuss how the school psychologist as a crisis manager can serve to reduce the risk of suicide in the case of a student in crisis, through a partnership with teachers and parents, as well as with care systems.
My aim is on the one hand to articulate the shortcomings affecting the profession, on the other hand, to present the options for a solution, in synchronicity with my own practice as a school psychologist.
Keywords: school psychology – child and adolescent suicide crisis – suicide prevention – school mental hygiene
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