A professional journal of practice based on psychotherapeutic methods
A quarterly publication
32nd year, issue 2, May 2023.
Krisztina Pál, Dániel Vattay
Theoretical study
Alexandra Harrison, Ed Tronick: “The noise monitor”: A developmental perspective on verbal and nonverbal meaning-making in psychoanalysis. Translated by Mária Barna
Case study
Márta Végh: Melting time. A monodrama case study
Theoretical study
Zoltán Tóth: The unconscious as God’s metamorphosis
Workshop report
Gyula Goda, Sarolta Ónódy, Gábor Pintér, Zsófia Sáfrán, Márta Végh, Teodóra Tomcsányi: Introductory remarks on the monodrama case study
Dániel Eörsi, Zsenett Kepics: „It still exists” – a country-wide survey about pedagogical assistance service institutions
Professional view
Dániel Eörsi, Zsenett Kepics: Back to school! FÉSZEK – the psychotherapy training program of Szeged
Professional view
Nóra Máté-Horváth, Tamás Svéd: Hungarian Chamber of Doctors: Where are we?
Discussions, comments
Ethical dilemmas of therapeutic practice 41th: Judit Bence and Dia Bozsogi ♦ Szabolcs Garbóczy ♦ Gábor Szőnyi
Hungarian Psychotherapy Council Association renews its leadership
In memoriam: Ildikó Mihocsa
Conferences – Illyés Zoltán, Tóth Regina ♦ Gábor Szőny ♦ Roland Nagy
Book reviews – Viktória Sefischer ♦ Gábor Szőnyi ♦ István Tiringer
List of professional books and periodicals
Professional programs
Alexandra Harrison, Ed Tronick
“The noise monitor”: A developmental perspective on verbal and nonverbal meaning-making in psychoanalysis.
Translated by Mária Barna
This paper discusses a contribution of developmental theory to the psychoanalytic concept of “the talking cure.” The developmental theory presented is the dyadic expansion of consciousness model (Tronick 2007), a model consistent with the principles of nonlinear systems theory. The concept of “polysemic bundles” as a way of understanding the multiple simultaneous meaning-making processes occurring in dyadic communication is introduced. The theoretical discussion—focused primarily on the analysis of children—is illustrated with descriptions of videotaped sequences from the first session in the analysis of a five-year-old boy. The relevance of these insights to the analytic treatment of adults is then considered.
Keywords: developmental theory – psychoanalysis – polisemic bundles – dynamic systems theory – child psychotherapy
Márta Végh
Melting time. A monodrama case study
The title of this paper refers to a painting by Salvador Dalí, The Persistence of Memory, that was mentioned in the work process of the case presented here. This piece of art symbolizes the overall atmosphere of the case: time is stuck and it determines the continuity of past, present and future – the client’s entire perspective. Memories melt, becoming dim and dull. Guilt projected on memories creates the continuity of time, covering and whelming them entirely.
This case study presents a monodrama counseling process with Bence, aged 26, who suffered a serious accident 8 years ago, which left him paralyzed from his neck down and “stuck in the present”, as he said. The focus of the process was working through his sense of guilt and moving on from “being stuck in the present”.
The “sins” that were later attached to his memories and affected Bence’s entire life, gradually emerged in the process and so did the sense of guilt, which overwhelmed everything, almost defining his identity. Sins and sense of guilt gave meaning to the accident and its consequences, which assumed the sense of a punishment in the form of paralysis and incapacity Otherwise, if there were no sins, the accident, the „punishment” would have been incomprehensible and inacceptable for Bence.
With joint efforts, we differentiated and worked through the life events affected by Bence’s sense of guilt. Facing his relationship with his father, but also his mother, a new perspective and a path towards coping emerged, changing the dim, gray memories into colorful pictures again and showing a path towards the future.
Keywords: monodrama – sense of guilt – complicated grief – detachment – individuation
Zoltán Tóth
The unconscious as God’s metamorphosis
The issue of the relationship between psychotherapy and science, and between psychotherapy and spirituality, arises again and again in professional discourses. The study starts from a historical and cultural point of view in order to better understand the current constellation. At the dawn of the modern era there were three interrelated processes in Western society that an analyst should take into consideration.:the death of God, the ascension of science and the birth of psychoanalysis. The paper aims at examining the interplay of these processes. It gives a brief outline of the evolution of scientific perspective, it analyzes the relation between science and psychotherapy and then the similarities between the unconscious and God. It stipulates that from the beginning, the qualities of the Freudian unconscious and the attributes ascribed to God show surprising parallels. It goes on to examine how this inconceivable undefinable divine dimension is conceptualized in Jung’s concept of Self and Bion’s concept of the “O”. Following that, it discusses how the numinous presence affected the analytical movement and how it changed analytic techniques and the analyst’s attitude. As an example, a case presentation is offered. Can we reach the point of giving up all techniques as Ferenczi suggested?
Keywords: God – science – depth psychology – Self – O
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