a professional journal of practice based on psychotherapeutic methods
A quarterly publication 28th year, issue 4, November 2019
László Bokor, Lili Valkó
Research study
Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber, Martin Hautzinger, Wolfram Keller, George Fiedler, Ulrich Bahrke, Lisa Kallenbach, Johannes Kaufhold, Alexa Negele, Helmut Küchenhoff, Felix Günther, Bernhard Rüger, Maréi Ke Ernst, Patrick Rachel, Manfred Beutel: Long-term psychoanalytic and cognitive-behavioral treatment for chronically depressed patients. Random or preferential allocation
János Harmatta: On recording events of group processes
Questions of practice
Ágnes Bátfai: Framing autogenic training into cognitive behavioural therapy approaches and practice
Competition: Slipping – or do we stop on the slippery slope? – Erika Somogyi ♦ Attila Nagy
Team presentation interview – with the leadership of the Child psychotherapy Section of the Hungarian Psychiatric Association – Krisztina Pál, Márta Takácsy
Talking with John Leary Joyce – Gábor Szőnyi, Márta Takácsy
Discussions, comments
Debate on the possibilities of self-knowledge work in groups organized by universities – Mária Farka ♦ Barbara Miklós ♦ János Rudas
Debate on the possible responses of psychology, to social phenomena – Zsolt Döbrentey ♦ Piroska Milák ♦ Lajos Rácz ♦ Csaba Horgász ♦ Mária Tornyossy
Ethical questions in therapeutic practice 29th – Felícia András ♦ Tünde Perfalvi-Zobor ♦ Éva Szamosi
Letter to the Reader – Editorial letter apropos of the advert for editorial intern
Conferences – Anna Kantó, Zoltán Terenyi ♦ Gábor Imre ♦ Mariann Ziss ♦ Asztrik Kovács ♦ Ágnes Szajcz ♦ Tibor Cece Kiss, Márta Takácsy ♦ Zsuzsa F. Lassú, Blanka Horváth
Book reviews – László András Magyar ♦ Márta Takácsy ♦ Zoltán Terenyi ♦ István
List of professional books and periodicals
Professional programs
Editorial announcements
Research study
Long-term psychoanalytic and cognitive-behavioral treatment for chronically depressed patients. Random or preferential allocation
Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber, Martin Hautzinger, Wolfram Keller, George Fiedler, Ulrich Bahrke, Lisa Kallenbach, Johannes Kaufhold, Alexa Negele, Helmut Küchenhoff, Felix Günther, Bernhard Rüger, Maréi Ke Ernst, Patrick Rachel, Manfred Beutel
The authors report on the first controlled psychotherapy study to compare long-term psychoanalytic and cognitive-behavioral therapies with random and preferential allocation. At four treatment centers, 554 chronically depressed patients were interviewed; ultimately, 252 of them were included in the study. The patients’ self-assessments indicated major and stable changes. After one year, the complete-remission rate (for BDI) was 34%, increasing to 45% after three years. Similar outcomes were indicated by the assessments of independent raters (QIDS) blinded for the therapeutic procedure (psychoanalytic/cognitive behavioral). In contrast to their expectations, the authors found no statistically significant differences between the therapeutic procedures, nor any effect differences between random therapy allocation and treatment via preferential psychotherapy. The remission rates achieved are better than in other studies and indicate that chronically depressed patients benefit from long-term therapies.
Keywords: comparative psychotherapy study – long-term psychoanalytic and cognitive-behavioral therapy – chronic depression – symptomatic changes – remission rates
On recording events of group processes
János Harmatta
A new method for the registration of the course of events in great groups is discussed by the author. This method comprises also the indication of the noise level in the room and of the topographic distribution of the interactions. The registration of the events is made with hand on the sound tonometer, on the paper band of BRUEL and KJAER’s sound tonometer and level registrator; and the distribution of the interactions in the room is simultaneously recorded on drawing-papers changed every 10 minutes. The objective data obtained in this way may be analysed from different standpoints and they furnish informations in respect of the emotional components of the group events. The author’s method has been applied for the first time in the Third Psychotherapeutic Week-end Group in Harkány (Hungarian spa:), in connection with socio-psychological feed-back. The detailed results will be reported in a common paper.
Questions of practice
Framing autogenic training into cognitive behavioural therapy approaches and practice
Ágnes Bátfai
This study aims to present the characteristics and practical application of autogenic training as a relaxation technique on a cognitive behavioural approach basis. The adaptation of autogenic training in behavioural therapy dates from some time back, nevertheless the benefits deriving from its complex impact are just slightly taken into account.
This essay briefly summarizes the essential elements of cognitive behavioural therapy and their practical relevance. The analysis illustrates the general attributes of autogenic training, named in other methods as well and then provides a description from a cognitive behavioural therapy point of view. The background and advantages regarding the possible application of the training on its own and in technical combination are also introduced. The role of autogenic training in systematic desensitization and its adaptation are discussed in a more detailed way.
The essay reveals how the typical, slightly altered state of consciousness assists the work with reconstructive and anticipatory fantasies, which are applied in imaginative situations by cognitive behavioural therapy. The work is demonstrated by entering into details of case illustrations.
The analysis of the well-known practice gives innovation by composing relevant information and demonstrating autogenic training in a psychology of learning approach, in a cognitive behavioural therapy background theory.
The current study can support the reader in taking the beneficial and complex impacts of autogenic training into consideration, besides in utilizing more conscious application.
Key words: autogenic training – cognitive behavioural therapy – psychology of learning – reconstructive and anticipatory fantasies
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