Issue 1 – February 2019


A professional journal of practice based on psychotherapeutic methods
A quarterly publication 28th year, issue 1, February 2019



Noémi Berger, Tibor Cece Kiss


Questions of practice

Klára Horváth, Gergely Biró, Gábor Imre, Márta Takácsy:Sliding through the mouth of change” Conducting large group in team during the Psychotherapeutic Weekend

Questions of practice

Erzsébet Szél: Psychotherapeutic approach in school psychology

Questions of practice

Gábor Szőnyi: On functionality and limitations of neutrality


Robert K. Kaplan: The dynamics of injury in encounter groups: Power, splitting, and the mismanagement of resistance


Society Corner

Hungarian Association for Behavioral, Cognitive and Schema Therapies : The role of schema therapy in our society and in the training – Zsolt Unoka

Workshop report

Paszkál Kiss, Andrea Kövesdi, Dóra Kovács, Csaba Szummer: Dialogue about self-awareness in the higher education and beyond. A report about the professional forum of training centres

Workshop presentation

Lili Valkó: Colloquium of Pszichoterápia about the utilization of the journal in the clinical and society trainings


Editorial standpoint

Editorial standpoint about the cancellation of publishing the interview with MAKOMP

Ethical questions in the therapeutic practice 26. – Edit Boros Emese Kőtörő ♦ Veronika Muth


In memoriam – Kozma-Vízkeleti Dániel – „Being curious takes you closer to the client” Creator of communities: Remembering Csaba Rátay trainer family psychotherapist


Film letter – The Affair – Felícia András

Conferences – Domonkos Arató ♦ Árpád Borsányi, Katalin Radnóti ♦ Andrea Kútvölgyi ♦ Éva Hámor ♦ Mónika Kissné Viszket ♦ Dóra Lőrik ♦ Klára Horváth

Book reviews – Gábor Szőnyi István Tiringer ♦István Tiringer

List of professional books and periodicals

Professional programs

Editorial announcements


Questions of practice

Sliding through the mouth of change”1

Conducting large group in team during the Psychotherapeutic Weekend

Klára Horváth, Gergely Biró, Gábor Imre, Márta Takácsy

In 2016 due to the sudden and unexpected illness of one of the two large group conductors, the organizing team of the Psychotherapeutic Weekend (PsziHé) had to come up with a quick solution. Instead of inviting another conductor, a large group conducting team was set up from the applicants. The main task of this team was reflecting on large group processes and selecting the other conductor from its members. The group developed its working method on its own and decided to operate as a team.

The authors are four members of this six-member- team. The aims of the current study are to introduce the way the team worked together in this crisis situation, which is expected to affect the process of understanding the large group, and to address the experiences they gained from the cooperation. The study doesn’t address the comprehensive effect of the team’s presence on large group processes. According to our experience the fact that a team is reflecting on the large group instead of two people has remarkable effect.

The aspects of this effect are the main focus of this study, reviewed with the perspective of the large group process and the work of the large group conducting team.

Keywords: Psychotherapeutic Weekend – large group conducting team – conducting large group – regression – reflection

1The title comes from the poem by Ádám Nádasdy titled: To stay, to stay. It was presented in one of the large groups.

Questions of practice

Psychotherapeutic approach in school psychology

Erzsébet Szél

The concept of psychotherapy and school psychology often appears as an irresolvable contrast in the psychological and psychotherapeutic environment. The analysis of Hungarian and international studies indicates a significant shift from diagnostic activity to direct and indirect mental health interventions. Due to the social changes of the 20-21th centuries, the socialization role of schools expanded, as a result, psychologists appeared in schools, followed by the need to provide local intervention in case of psychological disorders. The school psychologist network is unable to satisfy this expectation. Helping parents, children, and teachers became real field work for psychologists with regenerating challenges. The school psychologists’ special working conditions require specific functioning and often create border position in the spectrum of psychotherapeutic interventions. High level of complex diagnostic and therapeutic skills have been of utmost importance to provide adequate forms of care for students in case of local intervention or delegation to health care institutions. The study provides illustrative examples of the importance of psychotherapeutic approach in case management. Another aim is to draw attention to the thin boundary of school psychology and psychotherapy in different fields like assessment, crisis intervention, complex personality development and burnout prevention.

Keywords: school psychology – methodology – interventions

Questions of practice

On functionality and limitations of neutrality

Gábor Szőnyi

Neutrality is a component of the analytic attitude, analytic state of mind, of how we work; part of the analytic competence: Capability and willingness to be neutral.

Neutrality means reception of emotions, intentions, thoughts, actions, memories, fantasies, sensations and presumptions without screening, in an equidistant and equi-close way, regardless whether it comes externally or from inside of the analyst or is „in the air” between patient an analyst. It is an ideal transformed into a work hypothesis which broadens the space and time for understanding the analysand. Neutrality means also the intention to address different parts and narratives of the analysand in a non-judgemental way.

The author makes distinction between receptive and interventional neutrality. He discusses the frequently criticized and rejected use of the concept, and distinguishes it from emotional indifference, abstinence, rigidity and anonymity. He argues that neutrality, as coherent component of the basic analytic rule is functional in standard analysis. However, the different psychoanalysis-based psychotherapies must cope with combining the basic rule work and the focused-structured therapy procedure. This way functionality of the neutral stance is limited. He also pleads for working out where are the limits of usefulness of neutrality in those specific mixtures, instead of blaming the concept of neutrality.

Key-words: neutrality – analytic method – technical concepts – psychoanalytic psychotherapies – private theories


The dynamics of injury in encounter groups: Power, splitting, and the mismanagement of resistance

Robert K. Kaplan

The European influences of the social movements of the ninety sixties of America included the sudden grows of interest towards helping individual and personality development. Group methods provided the main carrier of “psycho-boom”. Rogers in his outlook made no distinction between heeling and development-advice, and Moreno’s “encounter” that describes real meeting of personalities became the collective idea of applications. The techniques themselves come from the practice of the psychotherapeutic and the training groups. The relevant examinations show that the differences between the personality development (personality development growth center) and the therapy are self-definitive: acceptance/rejection of psychic sickness consciousness. And that there was no difference in the degrees of neurosis between the two populations. On the side of the group leader the difference is determined by the therapeutic and the provider responsibility. It turned out that the group is a formation different from the individual in its effect. The experiences have been summarized by Lieberman and his collaborators (M. Lieberman, I. Yalom, M. Miles: Encounter Groups: First Facts. New York, 1974, Basic Books.)

In Hungary the work with intensive groups and “self-centered” groups spread in the seventies – eighties. In 1981 in the Group-therapeutic Work group of Psychotherapeutic Section of the Hungarian Psychiatric Association, the first group-therapeutic seminars were organized by Teodóra Tomcsányi and Gábor Szőnyi. The various translations for the seminars comprise the Group-psychotherapeutic Text collection. It also included Kaplan’s study.

In an effective procedure we have to account for undesirable side effects even when it is applied with competence and preparedness. The present study draws attention to all that. The republication was made actual by the arguments around subscribed self-knowledge-groups in postgraduate education.

Self-knowledge” indicates collecting of knowledge, and differs from its universal meaning. “Encounter” emphasizes the experience of the interpersonal meeting, while “experiential” (self-experiential) group brings forward Selbsterfahrungsgruppe the experiencing of myself. In the translation of the study we left the original “encounter” that mirrors better, but the problems discussed with “self-knowledge” are the same.

The editor

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