Issue 2 – May 2017


a professional journal of practice based on psychotherapeutic methods
A quarterly publication          26th year, issue 2 May 2017


László Bokor, Krisztina Pál




Questions of practice

Árpád Süle: Process diagnosis in practice: Exploring stagnations in the process of the client at four levels

Essay study

Tom Ormay: Its own time

Theoretical study

József Krékits: Freedom and temporality in Daseinsanalysis

Questions of practice

Nóra Soós: The significance of recognizing timed crisis




Team presentation interview – With the executive of the Integrált Kifejezés- és Táncterápiás Egyesület – Noémi Berger, Gábor Szőnyi

Team presentation interview – With the executive of the Magyar Csoport-pszichoterápiás Egyesület – Tibor Cece Kiss, Krisztina Pál




Discussions, comments

Debate: Body – to use (or not to use) in therapy – Anna Campos ¨ Krisztina Juhász¨ Anna Szvatkó¨ Márta Merényi

Debate: Patients controlling time – Emese Néveri ♦ István Ormay ¨ Miklós Cserey ¨ Ilona Fonyó

Ethical questions in therapeutic practice 20.Boróka Gács¨ Mónika Kissné Viszket ¨ Mária Tornyossy

News and reports

Conferences – Tibor Cece Kiss ♦ Eszter Lakos ♦ Dóra Lőrik, Ildikó Rózsa ♦ Márta Takácsy

Book reviews – Bernadett Csombók¨ József Krékits ¨ Janka Mézes¨ Hilda Takács¨ István Tiringer¨ Zsuzsanna Tóth¨ Lili Valkó¨ József Varga

Theater-letter – Orsolya Emese Páll

Museum-letter – Elvira Kácsándi

List of professional books and periodicals

Professional programs

Editorial announcements





Questions of practice

Árpád Süle:

Process diagnosis in practice: Exploring stagnations in the process of the client at four levels

The process conception of the person is one of the characteristics of the person-centred therapy. Healthy people are in a process of development and change in response to their own needs and the challenges of their life. Psychological problems can be understood as stagnations in this process. Process-diagnosis identifies the stagnations in the client’s process in the context of the therapeutic relationship and helps to unblock them. In this therapeutic approach, the process of the person is described in four aspects: as the process of ascribing meaning, the experiential process, the relational process and the existential self-realization process. After a short description of these four perspectives, this current paper illustrates them at a practical level. Four successive exercises are presented, as a tool to investigate stagnations in the work with a client. After the description of the exercises, an example illustrates the way they can reveal the stagnation in the client’s process from different perspectives. These exercises can be used in supervision, intervision or alone.

Keywords: Person-centred therapy – process diagnosis – exercises for supervision



Essay study

Tom Ormay

Its own time

In the first half of the essay the author is considering the concept of time. The basic idea is that time is real, has to be considered, and that everything has its own time. From the complementarity of external and internal time the author gets to the complementarity of psychotherapeutic situation as the time of the I and the other person complement each other with the objective time that provides the frame. It is argued that in therapeutic work the common activity is done on the level of nos the social self, and only that kind of work results in real and lasting personality development that is discovered by the therapist and the patient together in its own time. The changing time spent on the treatment in the various schools of psychotherapy is also discussed. Then regression is considered and the use of the idea of reliving is offered instead. In his consideration the therapist and the patient are together in the present and discover together the reliving in the associations. The unresolved past has to be recalled in the present. The conclusion of the study is that the present is in eternity; the passing time is a moment of everlasting time.

Keywords: external and internal time – complementarity – reliving



Theoretical study

József Krékits

Freedom and temporality in Daseinsanalysis

In my study, I would like to review – from the point of view of Daseinsanalytic psychotherapy – a particular basic feature of human existence, that is, temporality, which is part of the title of Heidegger’s Being and Time, the work which forms the basis of Daseinsanalysis. Time is known as final for us, just like our life is. As our presence in the world is “moving-towards-death” and we are aware of that, we create different relations to our own death and the death of others. Thus, both the era we live in and the different pathological forms change people’s approach to their time available, and the end of it, that is, death. If past, present, and future do not create continuity in temporality, and any of them gains special significance for a person, it is usually a part of some problematic “being-in-the-world” or possibly a pathological condition. I aim to present connections that are the ways of how experiencing our temporality changes our relation to death, freedom and power. I also use a part of a case to demonstrate how the pathology of temporality and freedom may appear in dreams, and how a therapist strives to understand and modify – through feedback – the world experienced by the client, including the relationship between the two of them. I also aim to support my thoughts with examples from literature and language.

Key words: temporality – authentic being-oneself – being-towards-death – present-hedonism – utopia-syndrome




Questions of practice

Nóra Soós

The significance of recognizing timed crisis

The author explores a well-known but often subsequently recognized phenomenon. The timed crisis is such a psychological state that is rooted in stalled mourning with a time-related trigger. Recovering time contingency between positive and negative family events is not rare in everyday life nor in psychotherapy. In the case of potential timed crises, the event itself – which is always an earlier loss – can be conscious while the relating feelings remain hidden in the unconscious. It is important to differentiate this psychological state from that form of delayed mourning when the person did not have a chance to live through a loss for some reason but soon after the normal mourning process can take place triggered by some event or date. The author undertakes to extend the timed crisis concept of Béla Fedor and Violetta Varga illuminating it from a broader perspective. The author hypothesizes that the timed crisis is a process with phases and layers which are crucial to be recognized in the field of the prevention of somatic, psychic or life situation crises caused by non-metabolized losses. It can also prevent therapeutic breakdown during the psychotherapeutic process.

Keywords: loss – stalled mourning – time – crisis – processing loss


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