Nóra Soós, Gábor Szőnyi: Closer to the large group
Gáspár Takách: Thoughts on the paper of Nóra Soós and Gábor Szőnyi „Closer to the large group”
Tamás Tölgyes: Comments to the paper of Nóra Soós and Gábor Szőnyi „Closer to the large group”
The large group is a peculiar part of a therapeutic regime or professional conference. Its culture was spread by the one-time annual workshop: „psychotherapy week-ends” where several large groups were held. The renewed format, organized by the Hungarian Association for Group Psychotherapy offers an opportunity to experience large groups.
In our case presentation, we invite the reader to join such a series of large groups. We present one full series from the notes we prepared separately after each session. It also offers an insight into the dynamics of co-leadership. Through the leaders’ work we want to demonstrate the complexity of large groups, how individual, group, inter-group and social processes are at work, and how the relationships between staff, organization and large group become tangible.
Notes made on the chosen session are published in their original version. We also communicate the pressure of being able to write down what happened during the large group, what was there, and what it was about. However, it is clear that our interpretation is only one possible understanding of the events, and not all of the events.
When we prepared this paper, we had to experience recurrently, how our image of the large group changed each time we reread the notes or rethought the process.
According to the genre „The way we work…” we do not discuss theoretical issues, but present the most important features of our approach.
Key-words: large group – organization – group- and inter-group processes – group conductor’s dilemmas
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