Tibor Cece Kiss
Questions of practice
Szilvia Droppa: „Re-learning” of speech and developing of therapeutic relationship in therapy of selective mute children
Theoretical study
Melinda Bimbó: Group in flow. Flow state promoting conditions in psychodrama group.
Methodological study
József Krékits: Back to dreams. The phenomenological daseinanalytical interpretation of dreams
Research study
Enikő Albert-Lőrincz: The practice of evidence-based evaluation in the method-specific trainings
Lili Valkó’s interview with Judit Szamosi and Bea Gyalog about the Hungarian situation of transactional analysis
Discussions, comments
Debate on child psychotherapy – Júlia Gádoros ¨ István Kappéter ¨ Katalin Pálmai
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Questions of practice
Szilvia Droppa
Group in flow. Flow state promoting conditions in psychodrama group
The paper intends to capture the common points of two scientific trends, schools of which look apparently rather different at first sight. These competing approaches are Mérei’s psychodrama and Csikszentmihalyi’s flow phenomenon. Although the flow can occur during whatever activities, Csikszentmihalyi still describes so called autotelic activities that provide auspicious features to cause flow (Csikszentmihalyi 2001). I try to argue however that psychodrama – that requires frames, rules, activity and achievement while offering play and enjoyment for participants – is a very suitable method to provide flow states for members of a group. Ferenc Mérei constituted the group-centered psychodrama approach within the psychodrama method. In this paper I examine each flow conditions to indicate how group-centered psychodrama is able to provide group members with possibilities to experience flow, and to change their personality and manage interpersonal relationships in a more adequate way, and move forward with building a more complex personality.
The wider context of this paper is the health psychology and psychotherapy aspects of the flow literature. Studies have been presented mostly around coping, and individual psychotherapy in this regard so far. The final part of this paper briefly outlines that in future it would be worth to utilize the rich empirical instruments of the literature so far published in the subject. This could promote the investigation of group processes, and may also help to explore the possible roles of flow in healing, changing, and engagement to therapeutic alliance.
Keywords: flow – conditions for flow – positive psychology – psychodrama
Theoretical study
Melinda Bimbó
„Re-learning” of speech, and developing of therapeutic relationship in therapy for selective mute children
Drawing a parallel between the relationship of mother and child, therapist and patient – I examine the role of relationship in the development of speech, and the role of speech in the development of therapeutic relationship. I examine from a psychological perspective the preverbal conditions that are needed to the speech development to begin, and to the relearning of speech in the context of psychotherapy; I examine also the psychic space in which relearning may take place. What is the relationship like – considering whether the relationship of mother and child or the therapeutic relationship based on corrective emotional experience – in which the child begins to talk, and in which through verbal and nonverbal communications she can express herself in an inter-subjective exchange? I believe sensitive „nursing behaviour” favouring the development of the use of verbalism corresponds to the criterion of good enough mother and good enough therapist. Thus, relationship plays an important role in the beginning of speech development. At the same time (verbal) therapeutic attitude is an important factor in developing the relationship. In therapeutic space these two processes appear not only separately but also together, in interaction with each other. I try to divide therapeutic work with mutist children into sub-phases in which the guidelines are the changes in the therapist’s feelings in counter transference and in the „verbal guidance” for the child, I’m analysing the processes of transference and counter-transference not primarily on the level of individual processes, but trying to grasp them in general. I represent my conceptions within a psychoanalytic framework and illustrate them with items of my clinical cases.
Keywords: selective mutism – development of speech – process of symbolisation – emotional mirroring – representation of the absentee
Methodological study
József Krékits
Back to dreams
The phenomenological daseinsanalytical interpretation of dreams
The daseinsanalysis (Dasein means presence, being-here, existence) is a therapeutic method born from Heidegger’s philosophy, Husserl’s phenomenology, and Freudian psychoanalysis, and is classified as existentialist psychotherapy due to its philosophical base. In my essay, I would like to outline the dream-interpretation method of daseinsanalytical psychotherapy comparing it to Freudian and Jungian dream analysis. The main working method of daseinsanalysis is to deal with dreams since the subject (in a philosophical sense) reveals him or herself mostly through dreams. For a better understanding of the working method of daseinsanalysis, I need to briefly refer to Husserl’s phenomenology, which provides the method of daseinsanalytical psychotherapy. This means we try to take the phenomena of the world through an empirical and experiential focus – in other words, we try to catch in the act the patient’s being-in-the-world, attitudes, ambitions, desires, and fears, through their dreams. In the meantime, we give feedback about our own therapeutic experiences. The method of therapeutic thinking relies on Heidegger’s philosophy and terminology, so I need to briefly introduce that, as well. As with all phenomenological procedures, daseinsanalytical dream- interpretation also begins with the exact description of experiences – that is, going into details we try to catch the dreams through certain points of view and following certain steps. The categories describing the dreams are called existentials in daseinanalysis, and through these existentials we can help patients to have systematic introspection. I would like to present this through examples from the literature and through some parts of my own therapeutic cases. daseinsanalyis, first of all, focuses on interpreting the manifest contents and experiences of dreams and intends to reveal their hidden content. In the sequence of ideas of this essay, I also attempt to outline a phenomenological integrative approach.
Keywords: daseinsanalysis – phenomenological method – interpretation of dreams –– existentials – systematic introspection
Research study
Enikő Albert-Lőrincz
The practice of evidence-based evaluation in the method-specific trainings
The paper focuses on the study of the practice of the evaluation method applied in the method-specific trainings, and on the effects of the evaluation. The research proofs reflecting on evaluation can help the trainers to get a deeper understanding of the underlying meaning of the process and- if the evaluation is part of the training- to feel entitled to execute it, to be able to adopt a responsible attitude towards their value-judgements. They can launch dialogues among various specialised-organisations regarding the thoughts about the evaluation and practices.
For the study I used several data sources: questionnaires, collection and analysis of symbols, posterior evaluation of roundtable discussions. From the trainers I intended to learn about their attitude and the method of practical execution. Regarding the effect of the evaluation on the dynamism of the trainers’ groups and on the personal development I researched in these topics involving some trainers and students of the Transylvanian J.L.Moreno Psychodrama Association into a questionnaire-research which was deepened by the analysis of the symbols regarding the evaluation and the explanation of these symbols.
The point of view of the specialized associations I analyse through the answers I received via mail from them, reflecting on my mail sent to the chairmen of the Educational Committees of the associations which are represented in the Hungarian Psychotherapy Council, before the conference of the Pszichoterápia journal in 2011. I completed all these with the posterior evaluation of the roundtable discussion related to evaluation which were organised during the conference in 2011. The research data show that the issue of the evaluation raises uncertainty both on the associations’ and on the interrogated trainers’ sides.
Keywords: practice of evidence-based evaluation – self-regulated learning – competency-based education – effective professional learning
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