A professional journal of practice based on psychotherapeutic methods
A quarterly publication, 31st year, issue 4, November 2022.
Dániel Eörsi, Krisztina Pál, Lili Valkó
Overview study
Zsófia Boytha: Dialectical behavioral therapy for patients with borderline personality disorder and substance use disorder
Theoretical study
Ágoston Schmelowsky: The tragedy of man with psychoanalytic eyes
Questions of practice
László Bátfai: Operating on a timeline to aid experience-based processing in cognitive therapy
Béla Buda: Learning about helping relationships – Some theoretical considerations concerning the Balint method – Translated by Katalin Dobó
Nada Kanjo: Alaine Polcz would be 100 years old this year
Workshop study
Csongor Cserép: Perennial psychology: the psychological application of perennial philosophy
“It would be such a wonderful world if everyone went to Balint groups!” – Portrait of Katalin Dobó – Compiled by Noémi Berger
Eörsi Dániel – A talk with Zsolt Unoka apropos of the changes of the psychotherapist training at Semmelweis University
Discussions, comments
Debate on pro bono psychotherapy – Réka Nagy ♦ Éva Urbán ♦ Gabriella Ozvald
Ethical dilemmas of therapeutic practice 39th: Felícia Beszterci ♦ Johanna Juhász ♦ Borbála Sarkadi
Awards – Éva Szombathelyi ♦ Gabriella Vértes ♦ Károly Ozsváth ♦ Ágnes Gáti
Conferences – Zsanett Kepics ♦ Mária Barna ♦ Dániel Vattay ♦ Zsanett Kepics
Theater letter – Andrea Mircse: Merry go round
Book reviews – Zsuzsanna Benyus ♦ Zsófia Kosoczki ♦ Márta Takácsy ♦ Dániel Vattay
List of professional books and periodicals
Professional programs
Zsófia Boytha
Dialectical behavioral therapy for patients with borderline personality disorder and substance use disorder
This methodological study reviews the modified dialectical behavior therapy (DBT-SUD) developed for patients suffering from borderline personality disorder (BPD) and substance use disorder (SUD). These two disorders are frequently comorbid and their clinical picture is severe. Patients struggle with a high suicide risk and with special difficulties which make their therapy a challenging experience even for more experienced therapists. The methodology of the DBT-SUD therapy relies on the standard DBT therapy program, while the biosocial theory of DBT is also relevant in the case of BPD patients characterized by SUD. After a review of these topics, differences between BPD and BPD-SUD patients are discussed. The study proceeds by outlining the special features, approach, methodology and main therapeutic principles of the DBT-SUD individual therapy as well as the skills aimed at reducing substance abuse which the DBT-SUB promotes. DBT’s frequently used method of chain analysis is then introduced with a hypothetical case example. Impact evaluations are presented at the end of the article, whose findings prove that the DBT-SUD therapy is an effective treatment for DBT-SUD patients.
Keywords: dialectic behavior therapy – DBT-SUD – borderline personality disorder – addiction – chain analysis
Ágoston Schmelowsky
The tragedy of man with psychoanalytic eyes
Natural disaster and nuclear threat are two dangers that people of the 21th century must face. In this article I approached these challenges from a psychoanalytic point of view. First, I outlined those theories that could be used in interpreting the phenomena. I summarized the psychoanalytic theories about the dynamic- and non-mentalized unconscious, the development of aggression and the nature and development of narcissism. I wrote about the paranoid-schizoid and depressive positions and overviewed the most pertinent defence mechanisms. Then I turned to the psychoanalytic interpretation of the natural threats caused or increased by human activity. Next, I summarized and integrated the psychoanalytic interpretations of nuclear threat. In addition to intrapsychic factors, I wrote about destructive group processes that might exacerbate these factors and also analyzed the role and personality pathology that a leader of such a regressive group can assume. Finally, I highlighted some major, psychoanalytically informed approaches to the solution of these problems.
Keywords: natural disaster – nuclear threat – psychoanalytic interpretation.
László Bátfai
Operating on a timeline to aid experience-based processing in cognitive therapy
Working with a timeline originates from Neuro-linguistic programming and is a method widely used in coaching. The timeline is a tool that provides a wide set of opportunities for complementing traditional counseling processes with experience based techniques. Its fundamental ideas come from Fritz Perls and its essence is the projection of the mental plane onto the physical one and making use of the complex and subjective nature of perception to aid the processing of emotions on this surface. Timeline work uses the temporal dimension of this surface to visualize the life journey on differing scales. As a tool, it can be easily incorporated into the processes of cognitive psychotherapy and when used in a collaborative manner it can be a supplementary element of both the diagnostic and therapeutic stages. During the process the therapist provides technical guidance to help the client enter into a state of ‘everyday trance’ and in this state visit certain determined points of the timeline identified by the client. This process can not only help to pinpoint individual elements of the patient’s pathobiography but can also foster a corrective emotional experience. Further advantages of this tool include a potential in creating alternative outlooks on the section of the timeline extending into the future, as well as helping to gain experience with new coping mechanisms within the safe limits of therapy. Its guiding principle states that while during the collaborative process the therapist guides the process in accordance with the therapeutic purpose (using questions, their expert knowledge and technical guidance), all specifics are derived from the client to ensure an authentic experience. Without this principle the therapeutic effect would remain merely cognitive or would fail to manifest. The utilization of this tool requires a relationship of trust between client and therapist and the taking into consideration of the client’s emotional capacities. The method can have a wide area of indication, however it is certainly contraindicated for patients with delusional symptomatology or suffering from disorders involving an impairment in orientation.
Keywords: timeline – everyday trance – gestalt – emotional elaboration – experience-based intervention
Béla Buda
Learning about helping relationships – Some theoretical considerations concerning the Balint method – Translated by Katalin Dobó
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