Issue 2 – May 2016



A quarterly publication          25th year, issue 2 May 2016




Gábor Szőnyi, István Tiringer




Methodological study

Tibor Cece Kiss, Lili Valkó: Arena – a new method for closing the Psychotherapeutic Weekend


Michael Utsch, , Eckhard Frick SJ: Religiosity and spirituality in psychotherapy

Theoretical study

Rita Hargitai: Relevance of suggestive communication in critically ill patients based on Kohut self psychology

Questions of practice

Ágnes Györffy, László Oláh: Psychological disorders and possibilities of psychotherapy in armed forces




Team presentation interviewMagyar Individuálpszichológiai Egyesület – Noémi Berger, Gábor Szőnyi

Curved mirror – How to create a new method? – Gábor Szőnyi

Competition  – On cultural experiences and psychotherapy




Discussions, comments

Debate: Role of religion – does it hinder or foster therapy or consultation? Klára Balogh ¨ Tamás Fenyves ¨ Dóra Lőrik ¨ Tom Ormay

Debate: Body – to use (or not to use) in therapy?– Klára Csúsz ¨ Andor Harrach ¨ Adrienn K. Szilágyi ¨ Márton Szemerey

Ethical questions in therapeutic practice 16. –  József Kovács ¨ Mária Tornyossy ¨ Éva Urbán ¨ Gábor Varga

In memoriam

János Szilárd (1928-2015)

News and reports

Conferences – Noémi Berger ¨ Borbála Sarkadi, Gábor Szőnyi ¨ Lili Valkó

Opera-letter – Orsolya Páll

Book reviews – Eszter Balikó ¨ Zsuzsanna Kerekes ¨ Magdolna Kovács ¨ András Márton

List of professional books and periodicals

Professional programs

Editorial announcements




Methodological study

Tibor Cece Kiss, Lili Valkó

Arena – a new method for closing the Psychotherapeutic Weekend

The arena is a special, spatio-temporally structured event-closing group form led by two group leaders. It is a type of large group that we developed in 2014 for the purpose of closing the two-and-a-half day long process of the Psychotherapeutic Weekend. Simultaneously, it serves as integration of experiences, as feedback, and as transition from the event, and preparation for the journey home. It received its name from the spatial setting that recalls an arena with its separate sectors. In our paper we shortly summarize the old and new Psychotherapeutic Weekends, we present the antecedents to the arena, the process of creating it, and we review the method itself in detail. The arena – thanks to its structured form – counterpoints the regressive force of the large group. The sectors may offer the representation of a small group in the large group, which provides security and identity for its members, and, in addition, renders the beginning to talk less difficult. The novelty of the method is that it is an essentially verbal event-closing genre, where the regulation of the process is to great extent done by the harmonized and choreographed movement of the group leaders. Our hypothesis is that the feelings of order and being held that derive from this kind of regulation soothes the power and authority images of the group leaders. We close our paper with the critical points that should be formulated and with further considerations.

Key words: Psychotherapeutic Weekend – arena – closing plenary event – large group – modalities





Utsch, Michael – Frick SJ, Eckhard

Religiosity and spirituality in psychotherapy(cím)

Translated by István Tiringer


For many years religious and spiritual issues have been avoided in psychotherapy. In the face of social changes a more culturally sensitive psychotherapy is needed to professionally deal with religious backgrounds, spiritual needs and spiritual resources. A remarkable spiritual turn has recently been observed particularly in psychoanalysis that was originally very antireligious. Health research studies are exploring the healing craft of religious virtues and values. It is important to discern between an empirically proven healing method and an ideologically founded promise of salvation. It is the task of the therapist to find out whether the patient’s religiosity or spirituality is part of the problem or part of the solution.

Keywords: religion and psychology – culturally sensitive psychotherapy – psychology of religion – meaning – ethics




Theoretical study

Rita Hargitai

Relevance of suggestive communication in critically ill patients based on Kohut self psychology

In the present study I argue that health professionals in contact with critically ill patients perform not only somatic healing. Their scope is much larger, as they can affect the patients’ experiences of the self through communication with them. This hypothesis is illuminated by way of the paradigm of Kohut’s self psychology, based on the concept of disintegration anxiety, the notions of fragmented body-self and of functions of the selfobject. The study points out that with the help of consciously shaped positive suggestions the trustful, empathetically modulated selfobject milieu can be created even in intensive care units, which serves to reduce the disintegration anxiety of critically ill patients, and promotes the integration of self-experiences, parallel to the somatic healing. Finally, it will be illustrated through two case examples, how health professionals – with the help of consciously shaped positive suggestions – can offer empathetically modulated selfobject milieu and selfobject functions  for the patients.

Keywords: suggestive communication – intensive care unit – patients in critical conditions –disintegration anxiety – empathically modulated selfobject milieu




Questions of practice

Ágnes Györffy, László Oláh

Psychological disorders and possibilities of psychotherapy in armed forces

When doing psychological support and/or psychotherapy in the armed forces we could see the phenomena, that the psychological pre-set and functioning – based on the organization’s characteristics’ and experiences in work – shows significant differences to the civilian population. The psychologist and the psychotherapy need to accommodate to that both in internal and external characteristics in order to reserve its effectiveness. Classic, well – known psychological disorders appear also in different forms in this population that has an effect both on diagnosis and therapy. In this study these will be described. In this frame we will show the psychological supporting system’s psychotherapeutic part and the psychologists’ place and role in it, the characteristics of internal and external frame conditions and their differences to the civilian systems and the well learned ideal one. The mental disorders’ differences in forms of their prevalence according to the BNO system will be illustrated with examples when it’s possible. Our aim is to give supplementary insight to the psychotherapeutic work and system in these organizations for the civilian colleagues and to the newly entered colleagues besides giving a review to the experienced ones about the work’s colorful palette and challenges.

Keywords: psychological support and psychotherapeutic system – special (armed forces) population – characteristics of psychotherapeutic frames – locus of the therapist in the organization – characteristic of mental disorders and their forms of presence

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