Issue 3 – June 2012


László Bokor


Questions of practice

Ildikó Erdélyi: Dream nook. A special case of dream work in a psychoanalyst’s practice


Anna Vincze: The psychotherapist’s role – from mysticism to mentalization

Methodological study

József Pál Vas, Noémi Császár: Touch and consciousness of oneness in tandem hypnotherapy (THT)


József Krékits: Identity search by moonlight. Thoughts about the healing power of art in relation to Antal Szerb’s novel titled Journey by Moonlight



Ethical questions in therapeutic practice – Judit Gilyén ¨ Piroska Komlósi ¨ Júlia Richter

Discussion on touch and body contact  – Noémi Császár ¨ Edit Anna Kiri ¨ Mária Tornyossy


Letter to the Editor  – Civil Group Weekend – Ildikó Linzenbold

News and reports

Honours of Klára Ajkay – Laudation by Emőke Bagdy

The modifications of the planned statutes of the Psychotherapy Council – László Bokor

Conferences – Izabella Klein ¨ Veronika Szilágyi ¨ Dóra Sinkó

Book reviews

Books – István Tiringer ¨ Zsuzsanna Kerekes

Lists of professional books

Animula ¨ Medicina ¨ MentalPort ¨ Oriold és Tsai ¨ Ursus Libris

Professional programs

Editorial announcements

Abstracts in English

Questions of practice

Ildikó Erdélyi:

Dream nook

A special case of dream work in a psychoanalyst’s practice


My psychoanalytical practise drew my attention to a phenomenon in which the dream teller glided over a dream detail due to its everyday feature, but the function of which the analyst sensed. This kind of dream detail functions as an object that covers a hiding place the presence of which we are accustomed to. I called this covered hiding place a dream nook. A place, a person, an object, or even a feeling can hide in a dream nook. Dream nooks derive from the dream’s plasticity and its extent in a dream depends on the relationships the dreamer has with the dynamic and the pre-verbal unconscious.

My study focuses on observing the functions of dream nooks in psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapies and psychoanalyses. Dream nooks could be discovered more frequently in analytically oriented psychotherapies than in psychoanalyses. The most significant difference between the material provided by the two therapeutic methods occurred alongside the work mode that is known as rêverie (see Bion 1963, Ogden 1997). Rêverie is linked to the experience of felt space in psychoanalysis. In accordance with my experience the space sensed psychosomatically functions as one of the main channels of transference processes in analytical practice.

In psychoanalysis the dream detail hiding in dream nook becomes a part of the whole dream gradually, hence often unnoticed. In analytically oriented psychotherapies however, the dream nook emerges and while working with the content hidden by the nook we can observe its integration into the whole of the dream.

A dream detail can be covered by a dream nook as a consequence of repression or splitting. When the content of the dream nook is being worked on, the repressed or split contents get into the whole of the dream and are integrated into the self.


Key words: dream nook – psychoanalysis – analytically oriented psychotherapy – rêverie – felt space – self-integration




Anna Vincze:


The psychotherapist’s role – from mysticism to mentalization


It’s a common of complaint of many patients that in their childhood their parents did not listen and talked to them enough and their feelings and moods were not reflected by them. No confidential relationships developed, that could have formed the basis of later self-knowledge.

As a consequence the ability of these people to self-reflect and their capacity for understanding others are deficient. They have no knowledge of their real motives, negative tendencies, and even when they do, they are incapable of accepting and integrating them. They are not aware of the role they play in shaping their relationships. Although irrational thinking has various roots, in my opinion this defective socialization is a possible cause of what I frequently experience in therapy; that in the earlier stages they do not search for mental connections. Instead they turn to various fashionable (pseudo-)theories. For example they attribute attractions and personality traits to astrological constellations. They have a tendency towards irrational and magical thinking (another typical example: they try to predict the outcome of a relationship by laying out cards). I would also like to add that our society exploits the needs that result from deficient self knowledge in various ways. There is an abundance of procedures and techniques on offer that rely on esoteric and irrational thinking.

However, in my presentation I only intend to examine one aspect of irrational thinking, namely the fact that it replaces the understanding of mental events. My aim is not to judge esoteric thinking or to evaluate it. I will emphasize two aspects of our psychotherapeutic work through the therapies of certain patients. Firstly, I would like to present the process through which the awareness of our near-conscious mental processes can replace irrational thinking. Secondly, I would like to illustrate the therapeutic atmosphere that allows this transition to take place and the therapist’s attitude that is necessary for the acquisition of this knowledge.

To summarize: In my view in order to achieve results we need not confront the patient’s wish-fulfilling thought patterns and models. Instead, we should present an attainable alternative.


Key-words: irrationality – psychotherapeutic process – reflective thinking





Methodological study

József Pál Vas, Noémi Császár:

Touch and consciousness of oneness in tandem hypnotherapy (THT)


The authors report on touch as a therapeutic tool, which is used in tandem hypnotherapy (THT) evolved by them. In addition, some characteristics of special form of altered state of consciousness occurring via mutual touching, which is called consciousness of oneness. Touch and being touched are said to have roles of both creating a group and transcending space-time dimension. As a matter of fact, touch can evolve an experience of intrauterine regression thereby it can be useful for treating pre- or perinatal traumas. Primordial embryonic nervous system functioning related to both skin- and visceral sensory receptors can be viewed as a basis of so-called consciousness of oneness appearing in different adult regressive states. Contrary to experiencing objective reality, the supposed consciousness of oneness is differentiated into ego consciousness in the course of development of the central nervous system. Characteristics of consciousness of oneness are the following: consciousness of unity of existence; subject and object are not differentiated; not related to development of the central nervous system; a kind of collective unconsciousness; contents of it can reach ego consciousness; nor related to individuality or one body or linguistic communication; without respecting space-time dimension contents of it can be conscious in members of small groups, who are tuned to each other. The linguistic communication of experiences of consciousness of oneness is assumed to be possible via ego conscious functioning.


Key-words: touch and intrauterine regression – primordial embryonic nervous system functioning – consciousness of oneness – oneness of object and subject





József Krékits:


Identity search by moonlight

Thoughts about the healing power of art in relation to Antal Szerb’s novel titled Journey by moonlight


In my essay I attempt psychological analysis of Antal Szerb’s best known novel. The writer’s life as well as identity crisis, his second divorce took place at the same time as the creation of this novel, in 1936. It’s about a honey moon in Italy, where the protagonist departs from his newlywed wife. The novel outlines a puberty crisis not properly resolved, which inevitably leads to the middle life crisis of the protagonist. This is why he has to meet the main characters of his adolescence and youth again. The individual characters appear as identity-possibilities in the novel, confronting each other and showing the possible outcome of each identity. I would like to point out that the author authentically presents psychological phenomena beyond the contemporary psychoanalytical terms, as well as the fact that he does not identify to full extent with any of his characters, not even with his protagonist. Meanwhile he works on his own writer’s identity and personal crisis in the novel’s narrative. It is not avoidable for me to place the opus on the writer’s the personal life story and in the historical process, through which not only a self-healing attempt, but the aim to be a „healing” reaction to the epoch’s society can be discovered. In relation to this I attempt to draw a parallel between the role of the artist and the healer, marking their ancestor, the shaman as the common denominator.


Key words: identity crisis – sublimation – role-playing self – inauthentic identity – alter ego


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