Enikő Albert-Lőrincz
Case study
Zsuzsa Mérei: „Comme il faut”
Questions of practice
Laura Barlay: “My sibling has cancer and I’m not feeling too well either”
Experiences of healthy siblings of children with tumorous diseases
Theoretical study
Anett Felházi: Imprisoned in bindings
Masochistic disturbances, pervert relations and negative attachment patterns – how and in what does psychotherapy help?
Methodological study
Pálma Virág Fehér, Beáta Kecskés: Psychoanalytical approach of body image and diagnostic and therapeutic experiences of body image test with psychotic patients
– Lili Valkó’s interview with István Hárdi
The journal “Pszichodráma Újság” (Psychodrama Journal) – a field of encounter – Vera Kökény
To the 20th volume of This Journal – János Füredi ¨ Mária Koltai
Letter to the editor – János Rudas
News and reports
Conferences – Ágnes Hódi
Preliminary to the 8th Conference of this Journal
Book reviews
Workshop-review – Amaryl Árkovits
Béla Birkás ¨ Andor Harrach ¨ Zsuzsanna Kerekes ¨ András Stark ¨ Imre Szitó ¨ Gábor Szőnyi ¨ István Tiringer
Lists of professional books
Animula ¨ Medicina ¨ MentalPort ¨ Oriold és Tsai ¨ Ursus libris
Submissions for the journal’s art competition IV
Professional programs
Case study
„Comme il faut”
Zsuzsa Mérei
Psychotherapy of a 26 year old woman who suffers from psychosomatic symptoms and struggles with problems of conduct of life and identity is described. Therapy was conducted in 200 hours in a psychodrama group. The therapeutic method with the co-leader of the psychodrama group, András Vikár, is described. It consists of focussing and dealing with the processes in the group and in the individual at the same time. The therapeutic framework, the ground rules making up the therapeutic contract, the types of the dramatic scenes applied and the phases of the group sessions are described. The group events relevant to the patient are presented. The patient’s previous life and symptoms are described. Her difficulties are explained by „early closure” of her personality development: After a conflict-free adolescence the young woman in an immature way begins her adult life as suggested by the parents and the environment „comme il faut” (as it has to be), without having come to know her own real wishes, capacities or inner energy sources, without being able to identify herself with her conduct of life in a mature way. The patient’s behavioural manifestations during the course of therapy, and her part in the psychodrama scenes are described and analyzed. It is shown, how she comes to find within the framework of therapy her protected space and time where she can experience her own motives and emotions and from this starting point can proceed further with the process of becoming an integrated personality. At the end of the therapy the patient has made progress in managing her own life: she becomes free of painful symptoms and doubts, finds renewed self-confidence, and proceeds to consolidate her family life and modify her career according to her interests.
Key words: psychodrama – psychotherapy – group dynamics – therapeutic group – early termination
Questions of practice
“My sibling has cancer and I’m not feeling too well either”
Experiences of healthy siblings of children with tumorous diseases
Laura Barlay
The study provides a comprehensive overview of the psychological processes seen in healthy siblings of children who suffer from cancer and are subjected to intensive anti-cancer therapy. It highlights overwhelming situations and experiences these siblings are facing, but regarding their solution they do not get enough support; being eventually abandoned to find their own personal psychological solutions for the above problems. The effects of illness on the relationship between the healthy child and the parents and also with the ill sibling are also demonstrated. In order to provide a better understanding of the overall changes resulting from the illness, the first part evaluates the relationships of the healthy siblings with other healthy children. The second part is focusing on the affected children and their families. It assesses the effect of the modified family balance on the healthy child with respects to their fears and fantasies regarding the disease and to their psychological needs. The author also discusses how hospital visits influence these children. It also implies possible changes in the relationship between the fathers and healthy siblings. The author interprets the experiences of siblings from a psychoanalytic point of view, based partly on the relevant literature and partly on her own professional experience.
Keywords: childhood cancer – sibling relationship – trauma – guilt – isolation
Theoretical study
Imprisoned in bindings – Masochistic disturbances, pervert relations and negative attachment patterns – how and in what does psychotherapy help?
Anett Felházi
While working with pervert patients, the therapist encounters strange experiences, which are difficult to share. The relationship patterns offered by the patient are mainly sadomasochistic due to the serious early attachment disorders. However, the author emphasizes that only entering this relationship can provide the therapist with the possibility to transform it into a productive and living one. Defining the concept of perversion itself causes difficulty as one cannot find concordance in its meaning in psychoanalytical literature. Masochism is a sexual and/or relational perversion in which satisfaction is attached to misery and humiliation. Perversion can only be examined in connection with the personality organization. The author analyzes the dynamics of perverse relatedness of the patient, who being afraid of emotional defencelessness, tries to avoid psychic humiliation by living through physical pain in quasi-relatedness. During the perverse relationships, the perverts fetishize, dehumanize their partners, as they have no means against the totality of another’s being, and it arouses anxiety. The ways of dealing with disorders can be understood from the way the function of masochism serves the needs of the individual: reducing remorse, maintaining object relations, self-esteem and controlling integrity of the self. The aim of masochistic distortions besides denying dependence, is reaching control over the inner sadistic and destructive mother. The study touches upon the difficulties of the treatment and suggests using the techniques of mentalisation along with presenting the suffering behind self-destructive defences.
Keywords: masochistic syndromes – perverse spectrum – sexualisation – fetishization – perverse relationships
Methodological study
Psychoanalytical approach of body image and diagnostic and therapeutic experiences of body image test with psychotic patients
Pálma Virág Fehér, Beáta Kecskés
Our study is based on the idea, that body therapies and body psychotherapies concern the non-verbal notions connected to body experiences as starting point of the therapeutic work.
From a psychoanalytical view body image is an entity that can be reconstructed in an intersubjective manner. The image of ones own body comes from the first early interaction patterns, the identification of the other’s body and the shaping of the body experiences. We use the body image test as tactile proprioceptive diagnostic tool, to make conscious and unconscious body experiences expressed also in three dimensions. This way the test is coming to effect as a mark or signature that can be characterized rather by the timelessness of gestalt and less by a situational moment. Beyond the quantitative and qualitative evaluation the body image test allows the interpretations in psychotic patients’ therapy. The test facilitates to outcrop unconscious fantasies, associations, anxieties and memories.
Keywords: analytical body psychotherapy– intersubjective manner – body-image – somato-psychotherapeutic approach – self-consistence
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