The review deals with the role of psychotherapy for treatment of patients with traumatic brain injury. The number of traumatic brain injuries increases in the whole world and servicing them presents the most challenge of neuropsychological treatment. There is an increasing demand to complete the neuro-cognitive service with psychotherapeutic methods in neuro-psychological rehabilitation. The essence of psychotherapeutic thinking is demonstrated by some short neuropsychological cases. The external forces reach the brain during the trauma thereupon structural injury of the brain and its dysfunction is occurs. Injury of brain tissue influences the whole life of the patients in the majority of cases. It changes their life, influences their family life and partnership of marriage, working ability, self-image, and long-term plans. We can observe that through neuropsychological service a verbal and symbolical interaction appears between patient and therapist, which makes it possible for the patient to discuss his image of himself during the rehabilitation. Fermenting the coherence of self improves reality testing, self-esteem and interpersonal connections. The patient must be given the possibility to overcome bereavement, to resolve psychological conflicts in connection with their dysfunctions and to be able to assure themselves a kind of freedom and independence despite of possible chronic deficiency.
Key words: neuropsychological rehabilitation – self – ego – object relations
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