Enikő Albert-Lőrincz
László Nagy: Current trends in mentalhygene
Methodological study
Gábor Flaskay: From interpretation to therapeutic relationship
How does psychoanalytic therapy work? Part II.
Questions of practice
Stuart W. Twemlow: The roots of violence: converging psychoanalytic explanatory models for power struggles and violence in schools Part II. (translated by Csaba Horgász)
Questions of practice
Zsuzsa Lőrincz, Katalin Pető, Éva Prágai, Ágnes Riskó: Perversions from the psychoanalytic perspective
Conversation with Balázs Kézdi — Kata Lénárd
Letters to the editor
A bibliography on sexology — Noémi Somorjai
News and reports
In memoriam Tünde Stang — Márta Merényi
Conferences — Ágnes Hódi • Petra Horváth
Lists of professional books
Book reviews — •Zsuzsanna Kerekes • Péter Sárkány • Gábor Szendi • Ferenc Túry
Professional Programs
László Nagy:
Current trends in mental-hygiene
The concept of mental-hygiene virtually disappeared from the literature in past decades. There are publications, of course, on epidemic data of mental disorders, on the possibilities of primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention, or on stigmatisation. These studies, however, are published under the label of social psychiatry. There is growing attention to more recent issues, which stem from globalisation, e.g., social integration in multicultural societies, mental risks of economic or political refugees, or immigrants. Actual preventions programs are discussed rather in publications of professionals, who are specialized to problems of children and adolescents. Developmental psychopathology, particularly the analysis of risk and protective factors, has shown remarkable expansion.
Research on mental health and on psychological components of somatic diseases is carried on mostly in health psychology. In these studies, which are based on the principles of the behavioural science and use concepts of cognitive and social psychology, great stress is given to prevention. For instance, among the new topics there is the issue of resilience, i.e., how can patients of grave somatic diseases or mental traumas preserve their mental health.
Key words: mental disorders — mental health — mental-hygiene — social psychiatry — health psychology — developmental psychopathology — risk factors — resilience
Methodological study
Gábor Flaskay:
From interpretation to the therapeutic relationship
How does the psychoanalytic therapy work?
The therapy concept of psychoanalysis has undergone continuous changes. Primarily theoretical developments induce changes in techniques, but also the enrichment of the technical repertoir exerts its influence on theory. Many elements of psychotherapy that had not been specific earlier have become specific. The study attempts to review the most important factors that different psychoanalytic approaches believe to be in the background of therapeutic changes. The author also points out the major technical devices used for achieving change in the therapeutic process. The author considers the transformation in the approaches to therapeutic change as being evolutionary in nature, even if those changes have sometimes been radical.
Key words: factors of change in therapy — insight — new types of experience — technical devices — reflectivity — interpersonal approach — mutuality — enactment — mentalisation
Questions of practice
Stuart W. Twemlow: The roots of violence: converging psychoanalytic explanatory models for power struggles and violence in schools Part II. (translated by Csaba Horgász)
This paper demonstrates that several psychoanalytic models taken together converge to collectively explain school violence and power struggles better than each does alone. Using my own experience in doing psychoanalytically informed community intervention, I approach the problem of school violence from a combination of Adlerian, Stollerian, dialectical social systems, and Klein-Bion perspectives. This integrated model is then applied to the Columbine High School massacre in Littleton, Colorado.
Key words: community psychoanalysis — school violence — Adlerian group theory — social systems model — object relation theory
Questions of practice
Zsuzsa Lőrincz, Katalin Pető, Éva Prágai, Ágnes Riskó:
Perversions from the psychoanalytic perspective
Psychoanalysis follows a route of development in the perception of perversions. The latter, as well as changes of it’s social aspects help to enrich our views on perversions and our therapeutic realm. In our study, we try to demonstrate a manifold of theories on perversions and case studies that underline them. From the psychotherapist’s point of view, the treatment of sexual perversions requires an additional amount of skills and problem solving. Reason to these are, changes in the social and cultural context and in the attitude of sexual behaviour, opinions of deviancies, psychiatric disturbances. It became evident, that perversion is a way of thinking; what sexual behaviour is considered normal, deviant or perverse, legitimate, curable or to be tolerated. All these questions were subjected to changes in the last decades. The studies presented here are landmarks of these changes that we had found interesting to underline. These papers of the different aspects of perversion were formed by our common group-work that we have summarised in one study. In the first part Katalin Pető provides a survey of the historic and attachment-theoretical views of perversion. Zsuzsa Lőrincz gives account some of the self-psychological theories of the topic. In the second part, experiences, related to clinical work have been formulated. Ágnes Riskó writes about female perversion. Éva Prágai writes about the fantasy world in perverts. This paper has been presented on the Conference of the Journal “Pszichoterápia” in 2006.
Key words: the history of perversion – psychoanalytical models of perversion – perversion in women – the fantasy world in perversion
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